Learning Scientific Python with IPython

Key Points

  • Python programs are plain text files.

  • We can write Python in the IPython as well as plain text).

  • Most common atomic data types are int, float, str, and bool.

  • Most common type of collection is list.

  • Use variables to store values.

  • Use print to display values.

  • Variables persist between cells.

  • Variables must be created before they are used.

  • Use an index to get a single character from a string or list.

  • Use a slice to get a substring or sub-list.

  • Use the built-in function len to find the length of a string.

  • Python is case-sensitive.

Control Flow
  • Repeat actions for each element in a collection with for loops.

  • Use range to generate a list of numbers.

  • Use if/elif/else to make choices.

  • Use built-in functions like len and max to do calculations.

  • Objects like strings and lists have methods that operate on them.

  • Use if statements to control whether or not a block of code is executed.

  • Conditionals are often used inside loops.

  • Use else to execute a block of code when an if condition is not true.

  • Use elif to specify additional tests.

  • Conditions are tested once, in order.

  • Create a table showing variables’ values to trace a program’s execution.

  • Use import to load a library.

  • Use dot notation to get library’s contents.

  • The math library has common mathematical functions.

  • The random library produces pseudo-random numbers.

  • The csv library can read CSV files correctly.

Writing Functions
  • Use def to define a new function.

  • Give parameters default values to make use easier and intent clearer.

  • Use *args to handle variable-length parameter lists.

  • Use return at any point to return values.

  • Turn repeated or deeply-nested pieces of code into functions.

  • Functions temporarily store values on a call stack.

Sets, Dictionary & Tuples
  • Use sets to store unique unordered values.

  • Use dictionaries to store extra information with those values.

  • Use tuples to store list including key of dictionaries

NumPy Arrays
  • Use NumPy arrays to store multi-dimensional arrays.

  • Algebraic matrices are a special case of arrays.

  • Array operations make (most) loops unnecessary.

  • Use Pandas data frames to store tabular data for statistical analysis.

  • Data frame operations make (most) loops unnecessary.

  • Use matplotlib with arrays or data frames to visualize data.

  • Decide what kind of plot to create based on what questions you want to answer.

File I/O
  • Open a file for reading or writing with open.

  • Use read or readline to read directly.

  • Use file in for loop to process lines.

  • Use write to add data to a file.

Programming Style
  • Fail early, often, and meaningfully.

  • Use assert to check that programs are working correctly.

  • Give assert statements meaningful error messages to help users.

FIXME: reference material.
