NLP with Python: Glossary

Key Points

Language processing and Python
  • Undestanding Python and NLP

Text corpora and lexical resources
  • Accessing text corpora.

  • Conditional Distribution Frequency (CDF)

  • Re-use the Python codes.

  • Lexical sources

  • WordNet

Processing raw text
  • Lessons are design in four stages: conceptual, summative, formative, and connective.

Writing structured program
  • Lessons are design in four stages: conceptual, summative, formative, and connective.

Categorization and words tagging
  • Lessons are design in four stages: conceptual, summative, formative, and connective.

Learning to classifying text
  • Lessons are design in four stages: conceptual, summative, formative, and connective.

Extracting information from text
  • Lessons are design in four stages: conceptual, summative, formative, and connective.

Analyzing structure of sentence
  • Lessons are design in four stages: conceptual, summative, formative, and connective.

Building features based on grammar
  • Lessons are design in four stages: conceptual, summative, formative, and connective.

Analyzing the meaning of sentence
  • Lessons are design in four stages: conceptual, summative, formative, and connective.

Managing linguistic data
  • Lessons are design in four stages: conceptual, summative, formative, and connective.


Annotated Corpus
Corpora to which some information is attached (POS, word boundaries, etc)
Connector of two nodes,represents a partial structure between them. Buffer of arcs to be added to the chart in future (stack)
Modeling a text (such as a sentence or a document) which is represented as the bag (multiset) of its words, disregarding grammar and even word order but keeping multiplicity.
Figure showing a process of parsing (nodes and arcs)
A collection of (text) sentences, usually containing a large number of sentences.
how to combine word into phrase/sentences
Given a corpus, one refer another
Dependency annotated
annotation based on dependency in a sentence
Document frequency
Number of documents containing an index term j
Database of words including various kinds of information
Discourse (analysis)
Analyze not a single sentence but a set of sentences
Set of rule/formalism that is used to specify what sentence are possible in language
Hash function, H(q)
Functino calculating the index for a search word q
List of arcs showing all generated arcs during parsing
Procedure to extract index from documents
Information retrieval (IR)
process to find documents which are relevant to an users’s query from a document collection
Information (Compiled in Dictionary
Necessary information for NLP i.e: Morphological analysis, Syntatic analysis, Semantic analysis
Inverted Index
List of index term for each document in inverted form (row=index, column=document)
Dictionary of words and its type
Multimodal data
Data collected from various way from the same target, e.g: text, speech, video
Part-of-speech (POS) Tag
A word can be classified into one or more of a set of lexical or part-of-speech categories such as Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Articles, to name a few. A POS tag is a symbol representing such a lexical category - NN (Noun), VB (Verb), JJ (Adjective), AT (Article). One of the oldest and most commonly used tag sets is the Brown Corpus
How to determine the structure of sentence according to grammar
Parse Tree
A tree defined over a given sentence that represents the syntactic structure of the sentence as defined by a formal grammar.etail below
Parallel Corpus
Collection of (translation) corpus of two or more language in parallel.
PCFG (Probabilistic Context Free Grammar)
Product (multiplication) of probabilities of rules in parse tree
Number of relevant documents in system output per number of documents in system output (how many selected items are relevant?)
Number of relevant document in system output per number of all relevant document in overall collection (how many relevant are the selected items?)
Relevance feedback
Asking user to judge whether retrieved documents are relevant or not
An ordered sequence of tokens.
Semantic (role labelling)
Labelling sentence to give (different) meaning e.q: /I saw a man/ with telescope/ or /I saw/ a man with telescope/
Semantic primitive
Basic primitive of sense of word, e.g: human, abstract, concrete
Stop word
word not to be index term (function word; be, have, symbol; etc)
Relation of word to other words (structure).
Database showing semantic relation between words
The process of splitting a sentence into its constituent tokens. For segmented languages such as English, the existence of whitespace makes tokenization relatively easier and uninteresting. However, for languages such as Chinese and Arabic, the task is more difficult since there are no explicit boundaries. Furthermore, almost all characters in such non-segmented languages can exist as one-character words by themselves but can also join together to form multi-character words.
Before any real processing can be done on the input text, it needs to be segmented into linguistic units such as words, punctuation, numbers or alphanumerics. These units are known as tokens.
A tree structure such that common prefix of words are shares
Collocation frequency of n words, e.g: 2-gram, 3-gram, etc.
N-gram model
Markov model for generation probability of a sentence by calculating probality of a word Ci depends only preceding N-1 words (for 2-gram)
Morphology (Morphological analysis)
Divide word into morphemes
Minimum linguistic Unit smaller than word, e.g. play-ing, un-kind-ly.
Named entity recognition
Given sentence, to identify the person, location, organization
Natural language generation
Generation of text from semantic interpretation
Virtual node between words,
Vector space model
Vector represented both documents and query (from inverted index)
An index terms or combination of index term
Query expansion
Automatic procedure to add related words to a query. E.g: Q=(car) –> Q=(car, automobile, auto, motorcar)
Zipf’s law
Law about distribution of frequency of English words. There are two ways to count words: type (how many types of word) and token (how many word apperas)