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Author: Heli Qi Affiliation: NAIST Date: 2022.09


Loads a YAML file and returns its content as a dictionary.


Name Type Description Default
yaml_file str or IO

The path to the YAML file or a file-like object.



Name Type Description
Dict Dict

The parsed YAML content as a dictionary.


Type Description

If the input YAML file does not exist.

Source code in speechain/utilbox/
def load_yaml(yaml_file) -> Dict:
    """Loads a YAML file and returns its content as a dictionary.

        yaml_file (str or IO): The path to the YAML file or a file-like object.

        Dict: The parsed YAML content as a dictionary.

        AssertionError: If the input YAML file does not exist.
    # turn the input file path into file IO stream
    if isinstance(yaml_file, str):
        assert os.path.exists(
        ), f"Your input .yaml file {yaml_file} doesn't exist!"
        yaml_file = open(yaml_file, mode="r", encoding="utf-8")

    # parse the yaml file with !-prefixed representers
    ruamel_yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
    yaml_config = reform_config_dict(ruamel_yaml.load(yaml_file))

    # modify the value of each item in yaml_config in-place if there is an !-prefixed representer
    yaml_config = remove_representer(yaml_config, yaml_config)

    return yaml_config


Recursively reformat a configuration dictionary to convert rumel.yaml data types into normal Python data types.


Name Type Description Default
input_config Dict or List or ScalarFloat or PlainScalarString

The input configuration dictionary.



Type Description

Dict or List or float or str: The reformatted configuration dictionary with normal Python data types.

Source code in speechain/utilbox/
def reform_config_dict(input_config):
    """Recursively reformat a configuration dictionary to convert rumel.yaml data types
    into normal Python data types.

        input_config (Dict or List or ScalarFloat or PlainScalarString):
            The input configuration dictionary.

        Dict or List or float or str: The reformatted configuration dictionary with normal Python data types.
    if isinstance(input_config, Dict):
        return {
            str(key): reform_config_dict(value) for key, value in input_config.items()
    elif isinstance(input_config, List):
        return [reform_config_dict(item) for item in input_config]
        # Convert rumel.yaml data type into normal Python data type
        if isinstance(input_config, ScalarFloat):
            input_config = float(input_config)
        elif isinstance(input_config, PlainScalarString):
            input_config = str(input_config)
        return input_config

remove_representer(parent_node, reference, curr_key=None)

Recursively removes representers from a configuration dictionary.


Name Type Description Default
parent_node Dict or List

The parent node in the configuration dictionary.

reference Dict

The reference dictionary for resolving references.

curr_key str

The current key within the parent node. Defaults to None.



Type Description

Dict or List or any: The updated configuration dictionary with removed representers.

Source code in speechain/utilbox/
def remove_representer(parent_node, reference, curr_key=None):
    """Recursively removes representers from a configuration dictionary.

        parent_node (Dict or List):
            The parent node in the configuration dictionary.
        reference (Dict):
            The reference dictionary for resolving references.
        curr_key (str, optional):
            The current key within the parent node. Defaults to None.

        Dict or List or any: The updated configuration dictionary with removed representers.

    def get_reference_value(_ref: str):
        # Get the reference key
        ref_key = _ref[1:-1]
        if "[" in ref_key and "]" in ref_key:
            assert ref_key.count("[") == ref_key.count(
            ) and not has_nested_structure(ref_key)

            left_indices = [idx for idx, char in enumerate(ref_key) if char == "["]
            right_indices = [idx for idx, char in enumerate(ref_key) if char == "]"]
            ref_key_main = ref_key[: left_indices[0]]
            ref_key_indices = [
                int(ref_key[left_idx + 1 : right_idx])
                for left_idx, right_idx in zip(left_indices, right_indices)

            reference_value = reference[ref_key_main]
            for idx in ref_key_indices:
                assert not hasattr(
                    ref_key_indices, "tag"
                ), f"{ref_key_indices} should be clarified before {ref_key}!"
                reference_value = reference_value[idx]
            assert not hasattr(
                reference[ref_key], "tag"
            ), f"{reference[ref_key]} should be clarified before {ref_key}!"
            reference_value = reference[ref_key]

        return reference_value

    child_node = parent_node[curr_key] if curr_key is not None else parent_node

    if isinstance(child_node, Dict):
        return {
            key: remove_representer(child_node, reference, key)
            for key, value in child_node.items()
    elif isinstance(child_node, List):
        return [
            remove_representer(child_node, reference, i)
            for i, item in enumerate(child_node)
        # For the item with an !-prefixed representer
        if hasattr(child_node, "tag"):
            # For '!ref' representer
            if child_node.tag.value == "!ref":
                ref_string = child_node.value
                # Standalone '!ref' without <> reference or the anchor points where the reference is already done
                if is None:
                    parent_node[curr_key] = parent_node[curr_key].value
                # '!ref' with <> reference
                    # <> reference-only without any additional information, retain the data type of the reference
                    if regex_angle_bracket.fullmatch(ref_string):
                        # get the reference key
                        parent_node[curr_key] = get_reference_value(ref_string)
                    # reference with additional information, data type will be str
                        ref_matches = regex_angle_bracket.findall(ref_string)

                        # loop each match surrounded by <>
                        for ref in ref_matches:
                            # get the reference key
                            parent_node[curr_key].value = parent_node[
                            ].value.replace(ref, str(get_reference_value(ref)))
                        # assign the value to input_config after looping
                        parent_node[curr_key] = parent_node[curr_key].value

            # turn the string '(x, x, ..., x)' into tuple by '!tuple'
            elif child_node.tag.value == "!tuple":
                parent_node[curr_key] = tuple(
                        int(i) if i.isnumeric() else i
                        for i in parent_node[curr_key]
                        .replace(" ", "")

            # turn the string '[x, x, ..., x]' into list by '!list'
            elif child_node.tag.value == "!list":
                parent_node[curr_key] = [
                    int(i) if i.isnumeric() else i
                    for i in parent_node[curr_key]
                    .replace(" ", "")

            # turn the numerical value into string by '!str'
            elif child_node.tag.value == "!str":
                parent_node[curr_key] = str(parent_node[curr_key].value)

        return parent_node[curr_key]