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Author: Heli Qi Affiliation: NAIST Date: 2022.08



input string: a:{b:12.3,c:{d:123,e:{g:xyz}}},g:xyz

output dict: a: b: 12.3 c: d: 123 e: g:xyz g: xyz


Name Type Description Default
input_str str

str The input string to be parsed into the corresponding nested dict



Type Description
Dict or str

The nested dict after parsing

Source code in speechain/utilbox/
def str2dict(input_str: str) -> Dict or str:
        input string:

        output dict:
                b: 12.3
                    d: 123
            g: xyz

        input_str: str
            The input string to be parsed into the corresponding nested dict

    Returns: Dict
        The nested dict after parsing


    def recur_dict_init(unproc_string: str):
        assert (not unproc_string.startswith("{")) and (not unproc_string.endswith("}"))

        # there is no commas inside
        if "," not in unproc_string:
            assert ":" in unproc_string and unproc_string.count(":") == 1
            key, value = unproc_string.split(":")[0], unproc_string.split(":")[-1]

            # continue the recursion for the register matches in the Dict
            if value.startswith("match_"):
                return {key: recur_dict_init(match_dict[value])}
            elif value.startswith("list_match_"):
                return {key: str2list(list_match_dict[value])}
                # convert the digital string into a integer
                if value.isdigit():
                    value = int(value)
                # convert the non-integer string into a float number
                elif "." in value and value.replace(".", "").isdigit():
                    value = float(value)
                # convert the string in the str2list format into a List
                elif value.startswith("[") and value.endswith("]"):
                    value = str2list(value)
                        value = str2bool(value)
                    except ValueError:
                return {key: value}

        # there are commas inside
            # remove the brackets at the beginning and the end
            proc_list = unproc_string.split(",")
            proc_list = [recur_dict_init(ele) for ele in proc_list]
            proc_dict = proc_list[0]
            for i in range(1, len(proc_list)):
            return proc_dict

    # remove the blanks
    input_str = input_str.replace(" ", "")
    # remove the line breaks
    input_str = input_str.replace("\n", "")
    # remove the tabs
    input_str = input_str.replace("\t", "")

    # if the input string is not given in the specified format, directly return it because it may be a path.
    if "{" not in input_str and "}" not in input_str:
        if input_str == "":
            return dict()
        if ":" not in input_str:
            return input_str
            return recur_dict_init(input_str)

    # if only a pair of braces is input, return an empty dict
    if input_str == "{}":
        return dict()

    # input string checking
    assert (not input_str.startswith("{")) or (not input_str.endswith("}")), (
        "If you want the framework to automatically convert your input string into a Dict, "
        "please don't surround it by a pair of braces '{}'."
    assert input_str.count("{") == input_str.count(
    ), "The number of left braces '{' doesn't match that of right braces '}'."

    # register all the smallest {}-surrounded sub-strings into a nested Dict
    match_dict, match_num = {}, 0
    while True:
        regex_matches = regex_brace.findall(input_str)
        if len(regex_matches) == 0:

        for match in regex_matches:
            # remove the brackets and register the match sub-string
            match_dict[f"match_{match_num}"] = match[1:-1]
            input_str = input_str.replace(match, f"match_{match_num}", 1)
            match_num += 1

    list_match_dict, list_match_num = {}, 0
    for key in match_dict.keys():
        list_matches = regex_square_bracket_large.findall(match_dict[key])
        for list_match in list_matches:
            # remove the brackets and register the match sub-string
            list_match_dict[f"list_match_{list_match_num}"] = list_match
            match_dict[key] = match_dict[key].replace(
                list_match, f"list_match_{list_match_num}", 1
            list_match_num += 1

    return recur_dict_init(input_str)



input string: [a,[1,2,[1.1,2.2,3.3],[h,i,j,k]],c,[d,e,[f,g,[h,i,j,k]]]]

output list: - 'a' - - 1 - 2 - - 1.1 - 2.2 - 3.3 - - 'h' - 'i' - 'j' - 'k' - 'c' - - 'd' - 'e' - - 'f' - 'g' - - 'h' - 'i' - 'j' - 'k'


Name Type Description Default
input_str str

str The input string to be parsed into the corresponding nested list



Type Description

The nested list after parsing

Source code in speechain/utilbox/
def str2list(input_str: str) -> List:
        input string:

        output list:
            - 'a'
            - - 1
              - 2
              - - 1.1
                - 2.2
                - 3.3
              - - 'h'
                - 'i'
                - 'j'
                - 'k'
            - 'c'
            - - 'd'
              - 'e'
              - - 'f'
                - 'g'
                - - 'h'
                  - 'i'
                  - 'j'
                  - 'k'

        input_str: str
            The input string to be parsed into the corresponding nested list

    Returns: List
        The nested list after parsing


    def cast_single_string(single_string: str):
        # convert the digital string into a integer
        if single_string.isdigit():
            return int(single_string)
        # convert the non-integer string into a float number
        elif "." in single_string and single_string.replace(".", "").isdigit():
            return float(single_string)

        # for other strings, remain the same type
                return str2bool(single_string)
            except ValueError:
                return single_string

    def recur_list_init(unproc_string: str):
        assert (not unproc_string.startswith("[")) and (not unproc_string.endswith("]"))

        # there is no commas inside
        if "," not in unproc_string:
            # continue the recursion for the register matches in the Dict
            if unproc_string.startswith("match_"):
                return recur_list_init(match_dict[unproc_string])
            # cast the leaf string into its corresponding type
                return cast_single_string(unproc_string)

        # there are commas inside
            # remove the brackets at the beginning and the end
            proc_list = unproc_string.split(",")
            return [recur_list_init(ele) for ele in proc_list]

    # remove the blanks
    input_str = input_str.replace(" ", "")
    # remove the line breaks
    input_str = input_str.replace("\n", "")
    # remove the tabs
    input_str = input_str.replace("\t", "")

    # for the input string in the form of 'X,X,X', directly return a list
    if "[" not in input_str and "]" not in input_str:
        return [cast_single_string(s) for s in input_str.split(",")]

    # input string checking
    assert input_str.startswith("[") and input_str.endswith("]"), (
        "If you want the framework to automatically convert your input string into a list, "
        "please surround it by a pair of square brackets '[]'."
    assert input_str.count("[") == input_str.count(
    ), "The number of left square brackets '[' doesn't match that of right square brackets ']'."

    # register all the smallest []-surrounded sub-strings into a nested Dict
    match_dict, match_num = {}, 0
    while True:
        regex_matches = regex_square_bracket.findall(input_str)
        if len(regex_matches) == 0:

        for match in regex_matches:
            # remove the brackets and register the match sub-string
            match_dict[f"match_{match_num}"] = match[1:-1]
            input_str = input_str.replace(match, f"match_{match_num}", 1)
            match_num += 1

    return recur_list_init(input_str)