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Author: Heli Qi Affiliation: NAIST Date: 2022.11

get_file_birthtime(file_path, readable_time=False)

Get the creation time of a file.


Name Type Description Default
file_path str

Path of the file.

readable_time bool

If True, the output is a string in a readable format. Defaults to False.



Type Description

float or str: The creation time of the file. If readable_time is True, a string in a readable format is returned.

Source code in speechain/utilbox/
def get_file_birthtime(file_path: str, readable_time: bool = False):
    """Get the creation time of a file.

        file_path (str):
            Path of the file.
        readable_time (bool, optional):
            If True, the output is a string in a readable format. Defaults to False.

        float or str: The creation time of the file. If readable_time is True, a string in a readable format is returned.
    stat = os.stat(file_path)

        creation_time = stat.st_birthtime
    except AttributeError:
        # If on Linux, get the last modified time of file's metadata, as creation time is not directly accessible.
        creation_time = stat.st_mtime

    if readable_time:
        # Convert the creation time to a readable format
        creation_time = time.ctime(creation_time)
    return creation_time

load_idx2data_file(file_path, data_type=str, separator=' ', do_separate=True)

Load a dictionary from a file or a list of files containing key-value pairs, where the key is the index of a data instance and the value is the target data.


Name Type Description Default
file_path str or List[str]

Absolute path of the file(s) to be loaded.

data_type type

The data type of the values in the returned dictionary. It should be a Python built-in data type. Defaults to str.

separator str

The separator between the data instance index and the data value in each line of the file. Defaults to ' '.

' '
do_separate bool

Whether to separate each row by the given separator. Defaults to True.



Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary containing key-value pairs, where the key is the index of a data instance and

Dict[str, Any]

the value is the target data.


Type Description

If the given file does not exist, this error is raised.

Source code in speechain/utilbox/
def load_idx2data_file(
    file_path: str or List[str],
    data_type: type = str,
    separator: str = " ",
    do_separate: bool = True,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Load a dictionary from a file or a list of files containing key-value pairs,
    where the key is the index of a data instance and the value is the target data.

        file_path (str or List[str]):
            Absolute path of the file(s) to be loaded.
        data_type (type, optional):
            The data type of the values in the returned dictionary.
            It should be a Python built-in data type. Defaults to str.
        separator (str, optional):
            The separator between the data instance index and the data value in each line of the file.
            Defaults to ' '.
        do_separate (bool, optional):
            Whether to separate each row by the given separator. Defaults to True.

        Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary containing key-value pairs, where the key is the index of a data instance and
        the value is the target data.

        AssertionError: If the given file does not exist, this error is raised.

    def load_single_file(_file_path: str):
        assert os.path.exists(_file_path), f"{_file_path} doesn't exist!"

        # non-json metadata file
        if not _file_path.endswith(".json"):
            # str -> (n,) List. First read the content of the given file one line a time.
            with open(_file_path, mode="r") as f:
                data = f.readlines()
            # (n,) List -> (n, 2) List or (n,) List. Then, the index and sentence are separated by the first blank
            data = [
                    row.replace("\n", "").split(separator, 1)
                    if do_separate
                    else row.replace("\n", "")
                for row in data

            if isinstance(data[0], List) and len(data[0]) > 1:
                # (n, 2) List -> Dict[str, data_type]
                return {key: data_type(value) for key, value in data}
                # (n,) List -> Dict[str, data_type]
                return {
                    key: data_type(value[0] if isinstance(value, List) else value)
                    for key, value in enumerate(data)
        # .json metadata file
            # str -> (n,) np.ndarray. First read the content of the .json file into a string.
            with open(_file_path, mode="r") as f:
                json_data =
                data = json.loads(json_data)

            for key, value in data.items():
                if isinstance(value, List):
                    data[key] = [data_type(i) for i in value]
                elif isinstance(value, Dict):
                    data[key] = {k: data_type(v) for k, v in value}
                    data[key] = data_type(value)
            return data

    if not isinstance(file_path, List):
        file_path = [file_path]
        assert isinstance(file_path, List)

    # data file reading, List[str] -> List[Dict[str, str]]
    idx2data_dict = [load_single_file(parse_path_args(f_p)) for f_p in file_path]
    # data Dict combination, List[Dict[str, str]] -> Dict[str, str]
    idx2data_dict = {
        key: value
        for _idx2data_dict in idx2data_dict
        for key, value in _idx2data_dict.items()
    # sort the key-value items in the dict by their key names
    idx2data_dict = dict(sorted(idx2data_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
    return idx2data_dict

read_data_by_path(data_path, return_tensor=False, return_sample_rate=False)

This function reads data from the file in the specified path, considering the file format and extension.


Name Type Description Default
data_path str

The path where the data file to be read is placed.

return_tensor bool

Whether to return data as torch.Tensor. Defaults to False.

return_sample_rate bool

Whether to return the sample rate. Defaults to False.



Type Description
ndarray or Tensor

np.ndarray or torch.Tensor: Array-like data. If return_tensor is False, the data type will be numpy.ndarray; otherwise, the data type will be torch.Tensor.


Type Description

If the file format is not supported, this error is raised.

Source code in speechain/utilbox/
def read_data_by_path(
    data_path: str, return_tensor: bool = False, return_sample_rate: bool = False
) -> np.ndarray or torch.Tensor:
    """This function reads data from the file in the specified path, considering the
    file format and extension.

        data_path (str):
            The path where the data file to be read is placed.
        return_tensor (bool, optional):
            Whether to return data as torch.Tensor. Defaults to False.
        return_sample_rate (bool, optional):
            Whether to return the sample rate. Defaults to False.

        np.ndarray or torch.Tensor:
            Array-like data. If return_tensor is False, the data type will be numpy.ndarray;
            otherwise, the data type will be torch.Tensor.

        NotImplementedError: If the file format is not supported, this error is raised.
    # get the folder directory and data file name
    folder_path, data_file = os.path.dirname(data_path), os.path.basename(data_path)
    sample_rate = None
    # ':' means that the data is stored in a compressed chunk file
    if ":" in data_file:
        assert len(data_file.split(":")) == 2
        chunk_file, data_idx = data_file.split(":")
        chunk_path = os.path.join(folder_path, chunk_file)

        # read data by its extension
        chunk_ext = chunk_file.split(".")[-1].lower()
        if chunk_ext == "npz":
            data = np.load(chunk_path)[data_idx]
        elif chunk_ext == "hdf5":
            with h5py.File(chunk_path, "r") as reader:
                data = np.array(reader[data_idx])
            raise NotImplementedError

    # without ':' means that the data is stored in an individual file
        # read data by its extension
        data_ext = data_file.split(".")[-1].lower()
        if data_ext == "npy":
            data = np.load(data_path)
        elif data_ext == "npz":
            npz_dict = np.load(data_path)
            data, sample_rate = npz_dict["feat"], npz_dict["sample_rate"]
        elif data_ext in ["wav", "flac"]:
            # There are 3 ways to extract waveforms from the disk, no large difference in loaded values.
            # The no.2 method by librosa consumes a little more time than the others.
            # Among them, torchaudio.load() directly gives torch.Tensor.
            # 1.[index], always_2d=True, dtype='float32')[0]
            # 2. librosa.core.load(self.src_data[index], sr=self.sample_rate)[0].reshape(-1, 1)
            # 3. torchaudio.load(self.src_data[index], channels_first=False, normalize=False)[0]
            data, sample_rate =, always_2d=True, dtype="float32")
            raise NotImplementedError(f"unknown file extension: {data_ext}!")

    if return_tensor:
        data = torch.tensor(data)

    if return_sample_rate:
        return data, sample_rate
        return data



Name Type Description Default
path_dict Dict[str, str or List[str]]

Dict[str, str or List[str] The path dictionary of the 'idx2XXX' files to be read. In each key-value item, the key is the data name and the value is the path of the target 'idx2XXX' files. Multiple file paths can be given in a list.


(Dict[str, str], List[str])

Type Description
(Dict[str, str], List[str])

Both the result dictionary and the data index list will be returned.

Source code in speechain/utilbox/
def read_idx2data_file_to_dict(
    path_dict: Dict[str, str or List[str]]
) -> (Dict[str, str], List[str]):

        path_dict: Dict[str, str or List[str]
            The path dictionary of the 'idx2XXX' files to be read. In each key-value item, the key is the data name and
            the value is the path of the target 'idx2XXX' files. Multiple file paths can be given in a list.

    Returns: (Dict[str, str], List[str])
        Both the result dictionary and the data index list will be returned.

    # --- 1. Transformation from path to Dict --- #
    # preprocess Dict[str, str] into Dict[str, List[str]]
    path_dict = {
        key: [value] if isinstance(value, str) else value
        for key, value in path_dict.items()

    # loop each kind of information
    output_dict = {key: load_idx2data_file(value) for key, value in path_dict.items()}

    # for data_name in path_dict.keys():
    #     # data file reading, List[str] -> List[Dict[str, str]]
    #     output_dict[data_name] = [load_idx2data_file(_data_file) for _data_file in path_dict[data_name]]
    #     # data Dict combination, List[Dict[str, str]] -> Dict[str, str]
    #     output_dict[data_name] = {key: value for _data_dict in output_dict[data_name]
    #                               for key, value in _data_dict.items()}
    #     # sort the key-value items in the dict by their key names
    #     output_dict[data_name] = dict(sorted(output_dict[data_name].items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))

    # --- 2. Dict Key Mismatch Checking --- #
    # combine the key lists of all data sources
    dict_keys = [set(data_dict.keys()) for data_dict in output_dict.values()]

    # get the intersection of the list of key sets
    key_intsec = dict_keys[0]
    for i in range(1, len(dict_keys)):
        key_intsec &= dict_keys[i]

    # remove the redundant key-value items from self.main_data
    for data_name in output_dict.keys():
        key_set = set(output_dict[data_name].keys())

        # delete the redundant key-value pairs
        redundant_keys = key_set.difference(key_intsec)
        if len(redundant_keys) > 0:
                f"There are {len(redundant_keys)} redundant keys that exist in main_data[{data_name}] but others! "
                f"Please check your data_cfg to examine whether there is a problem."
            for redund_key in redundant_keys:

    return output_dict, sorted(key_intsec)

search_file_in_subfolder(curr_query, tgt_match_fn=None, return_name=False, return_sorted=True)

Search for files in a directory and its subdirectories that satisfy a certain condition.


Name Type Description Default
curr_query str

Path of the directory to search in.

tgt_match_fn callable

A function that takes a file name and returns a boolean value. If provided, only files that satisfy this condition are returned. If not provided, all files will be returned. Defaults to None.

return_name bool

If True, return file names instead of file paths. Defaults to False.

return_sorted bool

If True, the output list will be sorted in lexicographical order. Defaults to True.



Name Type Description

A list of file paths or file names (depending on return_name) that satisfy tgt_match_fn.

Source code in speechain/utilbox/
def search_file_in_subfolder(
    curr_query: str,
    tgt_match_fn: callable = None,
    return_name: bool = False,
    return_sorted: bool = True,
    """Search for files in a directory and its subdirectories that satisfy a certain

        curr_query (str):
            Path of the directory to search in.
        tgt_match_fn (callable, optional):
            A function that takes a file name and returns a boolean value.
            If provided, only files that satisfy this condition are returned.
            If not provided, all files will be returned. Defaults to None.
        return_name (bool, optional):
            If True, return file names instead of file paths. Defaults to False.
        return_sorted (bool, optional):
            If True, the output list will be sorted in lexicographical order. Defaults to True.

        list: A list of file paths or file names (depending on return_name) that satisfy tgt_match_fn.
    candidates = []
    curr_query = parse_path_args(curr_query)

    # If the input query is a file path
    if os.path.isfile(curr_query):
        dir_name, node_name = os.path.dirname(curr_query), os.path.basename(curr_query)
        if tgt_match_fn is None or tgt_match_fn(node_name):
            # Skip the symbolic link and only return existing files
            if not os.path.islink(curr_query):
                return (
                    candidates + [curr_query]
                    if not return_name
                    else candidates + [node_name]
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"The file at the path {curr_query} does not satisfy the provided condition!"

    # If the input query is a directory path
    for node_name in os.listdir(curr_query):
        node_path = os.path.join(curr_query, node_name)
        if os.path.isdir(node_path):
            # Recursively search subdirectories
            candidates = candidates + search_file_in_subfolder(
        elif tgt_match_fn is None or tgt_match_fn(node_name):
            # Skip the symbolic link and only return existing files
            if not os.path.islink(node_path):
                candidates = (
                    candidates + [node_path]
                    if not return_name
                    else candidates + [node_name]

    return sorted(candidates) if return_sorted else candidates