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Origin: Sashi Novitasari Modification: Heli Qi Affiliation: NAIST Date: 2022.07


Bases: Module

Position-wise Feed-forward layer Projects the output vectors of multi- head attention layer to fdfwd_dim and then back to d_model.

Source code in speechain/module/transformer/
class PositionwiseFeedForward(Module):
    """Position-wise Feed-forward layer Projects the output vectors of multi- head
    attention layer to fdfwd_dim and then back to d_model."""

    def module_init(
        d_model: int = 512,
        fdfwd_dim: int = 2048,
        fdfwd_type: str = "linear",
        fdfwd_activation: str = "ReLU",
        fdfwd_args: Dict[str, Any] = {},
        """Initializes position-wise feed-forward layer.

            d_model: int
                The dimension of the hidden feature vector in each Transformer layer
            fdfwd_dim: int
                The value of the out_features of the first linear feedforward layer and the in_features of the second
                linear feedforward layer
            fdfwd_type: str
                The type of the feed-forward layer. 'linear' means the Linear layer while 'conv' means the Conv1d layer.
            fdfwd_activation: str
                The name of the activation function of feedforward layers. Should be the name of functions in 'torch.nn'.
            fdfwd_kernel: int
                The kernal size of the Conv1d feed-forward layer. This argument is not effective if fdfwd_type == 'linear'.
            dropout: float
                The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after the first linear feedforward layer
        if len(fdfwd_args) == 0:
            if fdfwd_type == "conv":
                fdfwd_args = dict(kernel_size=3)

        # In-layer at the beginning
        if fdfwd_type == "linear":
            self.in_layer = nn.Linear(d_model, fdfwd_dim, **fdfwd_args)
        elif fdfwd_type == "conv":
            self.in_layer = Conv1dEv(d_model, fdfwd_dim, **fdfwd_args)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"Currently, fdfwd_type can only be one of 'linear' and 'conv'. "
                f"But got {fdfwd_type}!"

        # ReLU and DropOut layers in the middle
        self.activation = getattr(torch.nn, fdfwd_activation)()
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)

        # Out-layer at the end
        if fdfwd_type == "linear":
            self.out_layer = nn.Linear(fdfwd_dim, d_model, **fdfwd_args)
        elif fdfwd_type == "conv":
            self.out_layer = Conv1dEv(fdfwd_dim, d_model, **fdfwd_args)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"Currently, fdfwd_type can only be one of 'linear' and 'conv'. "
                f"But got {fdfwd_type}!"

    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):

            x: (batch, seq_maxlen, d_model)


        # forward the convolutional layers
        if isinstance(self.in_layer, Conv1dEv):
            # (batch, seq_maxlen, d_model) -> (batch, d_model, seq_maxlen)
            x = x.transpose(1, 2)
        # pass the in-layer at the beginning
        # (batch, d_model, seq_maxlen) -> (batch, fdfwd_dim, seq_maxlen) or
        # (batch, seq_maxlen, d_model) -> (batch, seq_maxlen, fdfwd_dim)
        x = self.in_layer(x)

        # pass the middle layers
        x = self.dropout(self.activation(x))

        # pass the out-layer at the end
        # (batch, fdfwd_dim, seq_maxlen) -> (batch, d_model, seq_maxlen) or
        # (batch, seq_maxlen, fdfwd_dim) -> (batch, seq_maxlen, d_model)
        x = self.out_layer(x)
        # forward the convolutional layers
        if isinstance(self.out_layer, Conv1dEv):
            # (batch, d_model, seq_maxlen) -> (batch, seq_maxlen, d_model)
            x = x.transpose(1, 2)
        return x



Name Type Description Default
x Tensor

(batch, seq_maxlen, d_model)



Source code in speechain/module/transformer/
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):

        x: (batch, seq_maxlen, d_model)


    # forward the convolutional layers
    if isinstance(self.in_layer, Conv1dEv):
        # (batch, seq_maxlen, d_model) -> (batch, d_model, seq_maxlen)
        x = x.transpose(1, 2)
    # pass the in-layer at the beginning
    # (batch, d_model, seq_maxlen) -> (batch, fdfwd_dim, seq_maxlen) or
    # (batch, seq_maxlen, d_model) -> (batch, seq_maxlen, fdfwd_dim)
    x = self.in_layer(x)

    # pass the middle layers
    x = self.dropout(self.activation(x))

    # pass the out-layer at the end
    # (batch, fdfwd_dim, seq_maxlen) -> (batch, d_model, seq_maxlen) or
    # (batch, seq_maxlen, fdfwd_dim) -> (batch, seq_maxlen, d_model)
    x = self.out_layer(x)
    # forward the convolutional layers
    if isinstance(self.out_layer, Conv1dEv):
        # (batch, d_model, seq_maxlen) -> (batch, seq_maxlen, d_model)
        x = x.transpose(1, 2)
    return x

module_init(d_model=512, fdfwd_dim=2048, fdfwd_type='linear', fdfwd_activation='ReLU', fdfwd_args={}, dropout=0.1)

Initializes position-wise feed-forward layer.


Name Type Description Default
d_model int

int The dimension of the hidden feature vector in each Transformer layer

fdfwd_dim int

int The value of the out_features of the first linear feedforward layer and the in_features of the second linear feedforward layer

fdfwd_type str

str The type of the feed-forward layer. 'linear' means the Linear layer while 'conv' means the Conv1d layer.

fdfwd_activation str

str The name of the activation function of feedforward layers. Should be the name of functions in 'torch.nn'.


int The kernal size of the Conv1d feed-forward layer. This argument is not effective if fdfwd_type == 'linear'.


float The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after the first linear feedforward layer

Source code in speechain/module/transformer/
def module_init(
    d_model: int = 512,
    fdfwd_dim: int = 2048,
    fdfwd_type: str = "linear",
    fdfwd_activation: str = "ReLU",
    fdfwd_args: Dict[str, Any] = {},
    """Initializes position-wise feed-forward layer.

        d_model: int
            The dimension of the hidden feature vector in each Transformer layer
        fdfwd_dim: int
            The value of the out_features of the first linear feedforward layer and the in_features of the second
            linear feedforward layer
        fdfwd_type: str
            The type of the feed-forward layer. 'linear' means the Linear layer while 'conv' means the Conv1d layer.
        fdfwd_activation: str
            The name of the activation function of feedforward layers. Should be the name of functions in 'torch.nn'.
        fdfwd_kernel: int
            The kernal size of the Conv1d feed-forward layer. This argument is not effective if fdfwd_type == 'linear'.
        dropout: float
            The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after the first linear feedforward layer
    if len(fdfwd_args) == 0:
        if fdfwd_type == "conv":
            fdfwd_args = dict(kernel_size=3)

    # In-layer at the beginning
    if fdfwd_type == "linear":
        self.in_layer = nn.Linear(d_model, fdfwd_dim, **fdfwd_args)
    elif fdfwd_type == "conv":
        self.in_layer = Conv1dEv(d_model, fdfwd_dim, **fdfwd_args)
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"Currently, fdfwd_type can only be one of 'linear' and 'conv'. "
            f"But got {fdfwd_type}!"

    # ReLU and DropOut layers in the middle
    self.activation = getattr(torch.nn, fdfwd_activation)()
    self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)

    # Out-layer at the end
    if fdfwd_type == "linear":
        self.out_layer = nn.Linear(fdfwd_dim, d_model, **fdfwd_args)
    elif fdfwd_type == "conv":
        self.out_layer = Conv1dEv(fdfwd_dim, d_model, **fdfwd_args)
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"Currently, fdfwd_type can only be one of 'linear' and 'conv'. "
            f"But got {fdfwd_type}!"