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Origin: Sashi Novitasari Modification: Heli Qi Affiliation: NAIST Date: 2022.07


Bases: Module

The Transformer encoder for any Sequence-to-Sequence tasks. Reference: Attention is all you need

Our Transformer encoder implements the following properties
  1. Different positional encoding. (Mix or Sep)
  2. Different positions of the LayerNorm layer (first or last)
  3. Time Frame Downsampling (pool or concat)

For the details, please refer to the docstrings of PositionalEncoding and TransformerEncoderLayer.

In our Transformer implementation, there are 4 places to place the Dropout layers: 1. After adding the positional encoding into the embedded features. 2. After the softmax operation and before reweighting all the values by these weights in the multi-head attention layer. 3. Between two feedforward linear layers there will be a Dropout layer. 4. Before performing residual connect in a Transformer layer.

Source code in speechain/module/transformer/
class TransformerEncoder(Module):
    The Transformer encoder for any Sequence-to-Sequence tasks.
        Attention is all you need

    Our Transformer encoder implements the following properties:
        1. Different positional encoding. (Mix or Sep)
        2. Different positions of the LayerNorm layer (first or last)
        3. Time Frame Downsampling (pool or concat)
    For the details, please refer to the docstrings of PositionalEncoding and TransformerEncoderLayer.

    In our Transformer implementation, there are 4 places to place the Dropout layers:
        1. After adding the positional encoding into the embedded features.
        2. After the softmax operation and before reweighting all the values by these weights in the
            multi-head attention layer.
        3. Between two feedforward linear layers there will be a Dropout layer.
        4. Before performing residual connect in a Transformer layer.


    def module_init(
        posenc_type: str = "mix",
        posenc_maxlen: int = 5000,
        posenc_dropout: float = 0.1,
        posenc_scale: bool = False,
        posenc_init_alpha: float = 1.0,
        emb_layernorm: bool = False,
        emb_scale: bool = False,
        d_model: int = 512,
        num_heads: int = 4,
        num_layers: int = 8,
        scale_dp_by_head: bool = False,
        att_dropout: float = 0.1,
        fdfwd_dim: int = 2048,
        fdfwd_type: str = "linear",
        fdfwd_activation: str = "ReLU",
        fdfwd_args: Dict[str, Any] = {},
        fdfwd_dropout: float = 0.1,
        res_dropout: float = 0.1,
        layernorm_first: bool = True,
        uni_direction: bool = False,

            posenc_type: str
                Specify the positional encoding type you would like to use in your Transformer blocks.
            posenc_maxlen: int
                Maximal length when calculating the positional encoding.
                Usually, the default value of this argument is enough for the research.
            posenc_dropout: float
                The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after adding the positional encoding to the input
            posenc_scale: bool
                Controls whether the positional encodings are scaled up by a trainable scalar before adding into the
                embedded features or not.
                    'Neural Speech Synthesis with Transformer Network'
            posenc_init_alpha: float = 1.0
                The initial value of the alpha used for positional encoding scaling.
                Only effective when posenc_scale is True.
            emb_layernorm: bool
                Controls whether the embedding vectors are normalized by LayerNorm before adding into the positional
                encoding or not.
            emb_scale: bool
                Controls whether the embedding vectors are scaled up by sqrt(d_model) before adding into the positional
                encoding or not.
            d_model: int
                The dimension of the hidden feature vector in each Transformer layer
            num_heads: int
                The number of attention heads in each Transformer layer
            num_layers: int
                The number of Transformer layers
            att_dropout: float
                The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after calculating the weights in each Transformer layer
            fdfwd_dim: int
                The value of the out_features of the first linear feedforward layer and the in_features of the second
                linear feedforward layer in each Transformer layer.
            fdfwd_type: str
                The type of the feed-forward layer. 'linear' means the Linear layer while 'conv' means the Conv1d layer.
            fdfwd_activation: str
                The name of the activation function of feedforward layers. Should be the name of functions in 'torch.nn'.
            fdfwd_dropout: float
                The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after the first linear feedforward layer in each Transformer layer
            res_dropout: float
                The dropout rate for the Dropout layer before adding the output of each Transformer layer into its input
            uni_direction: bool = False
                Whether the encoder is unidirectional or not. If True, the attention matrix will be masked into a
                lower-triangular matrix.
            layernorm_first: bool
                controls whether the LayerNorm layer appears at the beginning or at the end of each Transformer layer.
                    True means the LayerNorm layer appears at the beginning
                    False means the LayerNorm layer appears at the end.
                For LayerNorm first, there will be an additional LayerNorm at the end of the Transformer Encoder to
                perform the final normalization.

        # input_size and output_size initialization
        if self.input_size is not None:
            d_model = self.input_size
        self.output_size = d_model

        # para recording
        self.d_model = d_model
        self.num_layers = num_layers
        self.num_heads = num_heads
        self.layernorm_first = layernorm_first
        self.uni_direction = uni_direction

        # initialize positional encoding layer
        self.posenc = PositionalEncoding(

        # initialize transformer layers
        self.trfm_layers = torch.nn.ModuleList(
                for _ in range(num_layers)

        # initialize layernorm layer if necessary
        if self.layernorm_first:
            self.layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model, eps=1e-6)

    def subsequent_mask(batch_size, maxlen: int) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Mask out subsequent positions (to prevent attending to future positions)
        Transformer helper function.

            maxlen: int
                size of mask (2nd and 3rd dim)

        return ~torch.triu(
            torch.ones(batch_size, maxlen, maxlen, dtype=torch.bool), diagonal=1

    def forward(self, src: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor):
        """Pass the input (and mask) through each layer in turn. Applies a Transformer
        encoder to sequence of embeddings x. The input mini-batch x needs to be sorted
        by src length. x and mask should have the same dimensions [batch, time, dim].

            src: (batch_size, src_maxlen, embed_size)
                embedded src inputs,
            mask: (batch_size, 1, src_maxlen)
                indicates padding areas (zeros where padding)

            The output of the Transformer encoder with its mask.
            The outputs of each Transformer encoder layer will be returned as a List.
            The attention matrix of each Transformer encoder layer will also be returned as a List.

        # add position encoding to word embeddings
        src = self.posenc(src)

        # generate the low-triangular mask for self-attention layers
        if self.uni_direction:
            batch_size, _, src_maxlen = mask.size()
            mask = torch.logical_and(
                mask.repeat(1, src_maxlen, 1),
                self.subsequent_mask(batch_size, src_maxlen).to(mask.device),

        # go through the Transformer layers
        attmat, hidden = [], []
        for l in range(len(self.trfm_layers)):
            src, _tmp_attmat = self.trfm_layers[l](src, mask)

        # go through the final layernorm layer if necessary
        if self.layernorm_first:
            src = self.layernorm(src)

        return src, mask, attmat, hidden

forward(src, mask)

Pass the input (and mask) through each layer in turn. Applies a Transformer encoder to sequence of embeddings x. The input mini-batch x needs to be sorted by src length. x and mask should have the same dimensions [batch, time, dim].


Name Type Description Default
src Tensor

(batch_size, src_maxlen, embed_size) embedded src inputs,

mask Tensor

(batch_size, 1, src_maxlen) indicates padding areas (zeros where padding)



Type Description

The output of the Transformer encoder with its mask.

The outputs of each Transformer encoder layer will be returned as a List.

The attention matrix of each Transformer encoder layer will also be returned as a List.

Source code in speechain/module/transformer/
def forward(self, src: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor):
    """Pass the input (and mask) through each layer in turn. Applies a Transformer
    encoder to sequence of embeddings x. The input mini-batch x needs to be sorted
    by src length. x and mask should have the same dimensions [batch, time, dim].

        src: (batch_size, src_maxlen, embed_size)
            embedded src inputs,
        mask: (batch_size, 1, src_maxlen)
            indicates padding areas (zeros where padding)

        The output of the Transformer encoder with its mask.
        The outputs of each Transformer encoder layer will be returned as a List.
        The attention matrix of each Transformer encoder layer will also be returned as a List.

    # add position encoding to word embeddings
    src = self.posenc(src)

    # generate the low-triangular mask for self-attention layers
    if self.uni_direction:
        batch_size, _, src_maxlen = mask.size()
        mask = torch.logical_and(
            mask.repeat(1, src_maxlen, 1),
            self.subsequent_mask(batch_size, src_maxlen).to(mask.device),

    # go through the Transformer layers
    attmat, hidden = [], []
    for l in range(len(self.trfm_layers)):
        src, _tmp_attmat = self.trfm_layers[l](src, mask)

    # go through the final layernorm layer if necessary
    if self.layernorm_first:
        src = self.layernorm(src)

    return src, mask, attmat, hidden

module_init(posenc_type='mix', posenc_maxlen=5000, posenc_dropout=0.1, posenc_scale=False, posenc_init_alpha=1.0, emb_layernorm=False, emb_scale=False, d_model=512, num_heads=4, num_layers=8, scale_dp_by_head=False, att_dropout=0.1, fdfwd_dim=2048, fdfwd_type='linear', fdfwd_activation='ReLU', fdfwd_args={}, fdfwd_dropout=0.1, res_dropout=0.1, layernorm_first=True, uni_direction=False)


Name Type Description Default
posenc_type str

str Specify the positional encoding type you would like to use in your Transformer blocks.

posenc_maxlen int

int Maximal length when calculating the positional encoding. Usually, the default value of this argument is enough for the research.

posenc_dropout float

float The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after adding the positional encoding to the input

posenc_scale bool

bool Controls whether the positional encodings are scaled up by a trainable scalar before adding into the embedded features or not. Reference: 'Neural Speech Synthesis with Transformer Network'

posenc_init_alpha float

float = 1.0 The initial value of the alpha used for positional encoding scaling. Only effective when posenc_scale is True.

emb_layernorm bool

bool Controls whether the embedding vectors are normalized by LayerNorm before adding into the positional encoding or not.

emb_scale bool

bool Controls whether the embedding vectors are scaled up by sqrt(d_model) before adding into the positional encoding or not.

d_model int

int The dimension of the hidden feature vector in each Transformer layer

num_heads int

int The number of attention heads in each Transformer layer

num_layers int

int The number of Transformer layers

att_dropout float

float The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after calculating the weights in each Transformer layer

fdfwd_dim int

int The value of the out_features of the first linear feedforward layer and the in_features of the second linear feedforward layer in each Transformer layer.

fdfwd_type str

str The type of the feed-forward layer. 'linear' means the Linear layer while 'conv' means the Conv1d layer.

fdfwd_activation str

str The name of the activation function of feedforward layers. Should be the name of functions in 'torch.nn'.

fdfwd_dropout float

float The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after the first linear feedforward layer in each Transformer layer

res_dropout float

float The dropout rate for the Dropout layer before adding the output of each Transformer layer into its input

uni_direction bool

bool = False Whether the encoder is unidirectional or not. If True, the attention matrix will be masked into a lower-triangular matrix.

layernorm_first bool

bool controls whether the LayerNorm layer appears at the beginning or at the end of each Transformer layer. True means the LayerNorm layer appears at the beginning False means the LayerNorm layer appears at the end. For LayerNorm first, there will be an additional LayerNorm at the end of the Transformer Encoder to perform the final normalization.

Source code in speechain/module/transformer/
def module_init(
    posenc_type: str = "mix",
    posenc_maxlen: int = 5000,
    posenc_dropout: float = 0.1,
    posenc_scale: bool = False,
    posenc_init_alpha: float = 1.0,
    emb_layernorm: bool = False,
    emb_scale: bool = False,
    d_model: int = 512,
    num_heads: int = 4,
    num_layers: int = 8,
    scale_dp_by_head: bool = False,
    att_dropout: float = 0.1,
    fdfwd_dim: int = 2048,
    fdfwd_type: str = "linear",
    fdfwd_activation: str = "ReLU",
    fdfwd_args: Dict[str, Any] = {},
    fdfwd_dropout: float = 0.1,
    res_dropout: float = 0.1,
    layernorm_first: bool = True,
    uni_direction: bool = False,

        posenc_type: str
            Specify the positional encoding type you would like to use in your Transformer blocks.
        posenc_maxlen: int
            Maximal length when calculating the positional encoding.
            Usually, the default value of this argument is enough for the research.
        posenc_dropout: float
            The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after adding the positional encoding to the input
        posenc_scale: bool
            Controls whether the positional encodings are scaled up by a trainable scalar before adding into the
            embedded features or not.
                'Neural Speech Synthesis with Transformer Network'
        posenc_init_alpha: float = 1.0
            The initial value of the alpha used for positional encoding scaling.
            Only effective when posenc_scale is True.
        emb_layernorm: bool
            Controls whether the embedding vectors are normalized by LayerNorm before adding into the positional
            encoding or not.
        emb_scale: bool
            Controls whether the embedding vectors are scaled up by sqrt(d_model) before adding into the positional
            encoding or not.
        d_model: int
            The dimension of the hidden feature vector in each Transformer layer
        num_heads: int
            The number of attention heads in each Transformer layer
        num_layers: int
            The number of Transformer layers
        att_dropout: float
            The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after calculating the weights in each Transformer layer
        fdfwd_dim: int
            The value of the out_features of the first linear feedforward layer and the in_features of the second
            linear feedforward layer in each Transformer layer.
        fdfwd_type: str
            The type of the feed-forward layer. 'linear' means the Linear layer while 'conv' means the Conv1d layer.
        fdfwd_activation: str
            The name of the activation function of feedforward layers. Should be the name of functions in 'torch.nn'.
        fdfwd_dropout: float
            The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after the first linear feedforward layer in each Transformer layer
        res_dropout: float
            The dropout rate for the Dropout layer before adding the output of each Transformer layer into its input
        uni_direction: bool = False
            Whether the encoder is unidirectional or not. If True, the attention matrix will be masked into a
            lower-triangular matrix.
        layernorm_first: bool
            controls whether the LayerNorm layer appears at the beginning or at the end of each Transformer layer.
                True means the LayerNorm layer appears at the beginning
                False means the LayerNorm layer appears at the end.
            For LayerNorm first, there will be an additional LayerNorm at the end of the Transformer Encoder to
            perform the final normalization.

    # input_size and output_size initialization
    if self.input_size is not None:
        d_model = self.input_size
    self.output_size = d_model

    # para recording
    self.d_model = d_model
    self.num_layers = num_layers
    self.num_heads = num_heads
    self.layernorm_first = layernorm_first
    self.uni_direction = uni_direction

    # initialize positional encoding layer
    self.posenc = PositionalEncoding(

    # initialize transformer layers
    self.trfm_layers = torch.nn.ModuleList(
            for _ in range(num_layers)

    # initialize layernorm layer if necessary
    if self.layernorm_first:
        self.layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model, eps=1e-6)

subsequent_mask(batch_size, maxlen) staticmethod

Mask out subsequent positions (to prevent attending to future positions) Transformer helper function.


Name Type Description Default
maxlen int

int size of mask (2nd and 3rd dim)



Source code in speechain/module/transformer/
def subsequent_mask(batch_size, maxlen: int) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Mask out subsequent positions (to prevent attending to future positions)
    Transformer helper function.

        maxlen: int
            size of mask (2nd and 3rd dim)

    return ~torch.triu(
        torch.ones(batch_size, maxlen, maxlen, dtype=torch.bool), diagonal=1


Bases: Module

A single Transformer encoder layer has: · a Multi-head attention sublayer · a LayerNorm layer exclusively for the attention sublayer · a position-wise feed-forward sublayer · a LayerNorm layer exclusively for the feed-forward sublayer · a residual dropout layer

Source code in speechain/module/transformer/
class TransformerEncoderLayer(Module):
    A single Transformer encoder layer has:
    · a Multi-head attention sublayer
    · a LayerNorm layer exclusively for the attention sublayer
    · a position-wise feed-forward sublayer
    · a LayerNorm layer exclusively for the feed-forward sublayer
    · a residual dropout layer


    def module_init(
        d_model: int = 512,
        num_heads: int = 8,
        scale_dp_by_head: bool = False,
        att_dropout: float = 0.1,
        fdfwd_dim: int = 2048,
        fdfwd_type: str = "linear",
        fdfwd_activation: str = "ReLU",
        fdfwd_args: Dict[str, Any] = {},
        fdfwd_dropout: float = 0.1,
        res_dropout: float = 0.1,
        layernorm_first: bool = True,

            d_model: int
                The dimension of the hidden feature vector in each Transformer layer
            num_heads: int
                The number of attention heads in each Transformer layer
            att_dropout: float
                The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after calculating the weights in each Transformer layer
            fdfwd_dim: int
                The value of the out_features of the first linear feedforward layer and the in_features of the second
                linear feedforward layer in each Transformer layer.
            fdfwd_type: str
                The type of the feed-forward layer. 'linear' means the Linear layer while 'conv' means the Conv1d layer.
            fdfwd_activation: str
                The name of the activation function of feedforward layers. Should be the name of functions in 'torch.nn'.
            fdfwd_kernel: int
                The kernal size of the Conv1d feed-forward layer. This argument is not effective if fdfwd_type == 'linear'.
            fdfwd_dropout: float
                The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after the first linear feedforward layer in each Transformer layer
            res_dropout: float
                The dropout rate for the Dropout layer before adding the output of each Transformer layer into its input
            layernorm_first: bool
                Whether layernorm is performed before feeding src into sublayers.
                if layernorm_first is True:
                    output = input + Sublayer(LayerNorm(input))
                elif layernorm_first is False:
                    output = LayerNorm(input + Sublayer(input))

        # initialize multi-head attention layer
        self.multihead_att = MultiHeadedAttention(

        # initialize feedforward layer
        self.feed_forward = PositionwiseFeedForward(

        # initialize residual dropout layer
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(res_dropout)

        # initialize layernorm layers, each sublayer has an exclusive LayerNorm layer
        self.layernorm_first = layernorm_first
        self.att_layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model, eps=1e-6)
        self.fdfwd_layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model, eps=1e-6)

    def forward(self, src: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor):
        """Forward pass for a single transformer encoder layer.

            src: (batch, src_maxlen, d_model)
                source input for the encoder
            mask: (batch, 1, src_maxlen)
                input mask

            The output of this Transformer encoder layer and the attention matrix

        "Multi-head Attention Layer part"
        # go through the LayerNorm layer before the multi-head attention layer or not
        src_norm = self.att_layernorm(src) if self.layernorm_first else src

        # go through the multi-head attention layer and perform the residual connection
        att_hidden, attmat = self.multihead_att(src_norm, src_norm, src_norm, mask)
        att_output = self.dropout(att_hidden) + src

        # go through the LayerNorm layer after the multi-head attention layer or not
        att_output = (
            self.att_layernorm(att_output) if not self.layernorm_first else att_output

        "Positional FeedForward Layer part"
        # go through the LayerNorm layer before the feedforward layer or not
        att_output_norm = (
            self.fdfwd_layernorm(att_output) if self.layernorm_first else att_output

        # go through the feedforward layer and perform the residual connection
        fdfwd_hidden = self.feed_forward(att_output_norm)
        fdfwd_output = self.dropout(fdfwd_hidden) + att_output

        # go through the LayerNorm layer after the feedforward layer or not
        fdfwd_output = (
            if not self.layernorm_first
            else fdfwd_output

        return fdfwd_output, attmat

forward(src, mask)

Forward pass for a single transformer encoder layer.


Name Type Description Default
src Tensor

(batch, src_maxlen, d_model) source input for the encoder

mask Tensor

(batch, 1, src_maxlen) input mask



Type Description

The output of this Transformer encoder layer and the attention matrix

Source code in speechain/module/transformer/
def forward(self, src: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor):
    """Forward pass for a single transformer encoder layer.

        src: (batch, src_maxlen, d_model)
            source input for the encoder
        mask: (batch, 1, src_maxlen)
            input mask

        The output of this Transformer encoder layer and the attention matrix

    "Multi-head Attention Layer part"
    # go through the LayerNorm layer before the multi-head attention layer or not
    src_norm = self.att_layernorm(src) if self.layernorm_first else src

    # go through the multi-head attention layer and perform the residual connection
    att_hidden, attmat = self.multihead_att(src_norm, src_norm, src_norm, mask)
    att_output = self.dropout(att_hidden) + src

    # go through the LayerNorm layer after the multi-head attention layer or not
    att_output = (
        self.att_layernorm(att_output) if not self.layernorm_first else att_output

    "Positional FeedForward Layer part"
    # go through the LayerNorm layer before the feedforward layer or not
    att_output_norm = (
        self.fdfwd_layernorm(att_output) if self.layernorm_first else att_output

    # go through the feedforward layer and perform the residual connection
    fdfwd_hidden = self.feed_forward(att_output_norm)
    fdfwd_output = self.dropout(fdfwd_hidden) + att_output

    # go through the LayerNorm layer after the feedforward layer or not
    fdfwd_output = (
        if not self.layernorm_first
        else fdfwd_output

    return fdfwd_output, attmat

module_init(d_model=512, num_heads=8, scale_dp_by_head=False, att_dropout=0.1, fdfwd_dim=2048, fdfwd_type='linear', fdfwd_activation='ReLU', fdfwd_args={}, fdfwd_dropout=0.1, res_dropout=0.1, layernorm_first=True)


Name Type Description Default
d_model int

int The dimension of the hidden feature vector in each Transformer layer

num_heads int

int The number of attention heads in each Transformer layer

att_dropout float

float The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after calculating the weights in each Transformer layer

fdfwd_dim int

int The value of the out_features of the first linear feedforward layer and the in_features of the second linear feedforward layer in each Transformer layer.

fdfwd_type str

str The type of the feed-forward layer. 'linear' means the Linear layer while 'conv' means the Conv1d layer.

fdfwd_activation str

str The name of the activation function of feedforward layers. Should be the name of functions in 'torch.nn'.


int The kernal size of the Conv1d feed-forward layer. This argument is not effective if fdfwd_type == 'linear'.

fdfwd_dropout float

float The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after the first linear feedforward layer in each Transformer layer

res_dropout float

float The dropout rate for the Dropout layer before adding the output of each Transformer layer into its input

layernorm_first bool

bool Whether layernorm is performed before feeding src into sublayers. if layernorm_first is True: output = input + Sublayer(LayerNorm(input)) elif layernorm_first is False: output = LayerNorm(input + Sublayer(input))

Source code in speechain/module/transformer/
def module_init(
    d_model: int = 512,
    num_heads: int = 8,
    scale_dp_by_head: bool = False,
    att_dropout: float = 0.1,
    fdfwd_dim: int = 2048,
    fdfwd_type: str = "linear",
    fdfwd_activation: str = "ReLU",
    fdfwd_args: Dict[str, Any] = {},
    fdfwd_dropout: float = 0.1,
    res_dropout: float = 0.1,
    layernorm_first: bool = True,

        d_model: int
            The dimension of the hidden feature vector in each Transformer layer
        num_heads: int
            The number of attention heads in each Transformer layer
        att_dropout: float
            The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after calculating the weights in each Transformer layer
        fdfwd_dim: int
            The value of the out_features of the first linear feedforward layer and the in_features of the second
            linear feedforward layer in each Transformer layer.
        fdfwd_type: str
            The type of the feed-forward layer. 'linear' means the Linear layer while 'conv' means the Conv1d layer.
        fdfwd_activation: str
            The name of the activation function of feedforward layers. Should be the name of functions in 'torch.nn'.
        fdfwd_kernel: int
            The kernal size of the Conv1d feed-forward layer. This argument is not effective if fdfwd_type == 'linear'.
        fdfwd_dropout: float
            The dropout rate for the Dropout layer after the first linear feedforward layer in each Transformer layer
        res_dropout: float
            The dropout rate for the Dropout layer before adding the output of each Transformer layer into its input
        layernorm_first: bool
            Whether layernorm is performed before feeding src into sublayers.
            if layernorm_first is True:
                output = input + Sublayer(LayerNorm(input))
            elif layernorm_first is False:
                output = LayerNorm(input + Sublayer(input))

    # initialize multi-head attention layer
    self.multihead_att = MultiHeadedAttention(

    # initialize feedforward layer
    self.feed_forward = PositionwiseFeedForward(

    # initialize residual dropout layer
    self.dropout = nn.Dropout(res_dropout)

    # initialize layernorm layers, each sublayer has an exclusive LayerNorm layer
    self.layernorm_first = layernorm_first
    self.att_layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model, eps=1e-6)
    self.fdfwd_layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model, eps=1e-6)