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Bases: Module

The Conv1d variance predictor for FastSpeech2. This module is made up of: 1. (mandatory) The Conv1d part contains two or more Conv1d blocks which are composed of the components below 1. (mandatory) a Conv1d layer 2. (mandatory) a ReLU function 3. (mandatory) a LayerNorm layer 4. (mandatory) a Dropout layer. 2. (mandatory) The Linear part contains one Linear block which is composed of the component below 1. (mandatory) a Linear layer


Fastspeech 2: Fast and high-quality end-to-end text to speech

Source code in speechain/module/prenet/
class Conv1dVarPredictor(Module):
    The Conv1d variance predictor for FastSpeech2.
    This module is made up of:
        1. (mandatory) The Conv1d part contains two or more Conv1d blocks which are composed of the components below
            1. (mandatory) a Conv1d layer
            2. (mandatory) a ReLU function
            3. (mandatory) a LayerNorm layer
            4. (mandatory) a Dropout layer.
        2. (mandatory) The Linear part contains one Linear block which is composed of the component below
            1. (mandatory) a Linear layer

        Fastspeech 2: Fast and high-quality end-to-end text to speech

    def module_init(
        feat_dim: int = None,
        conv_dims: int or List[int] = [256, 256],
        conv_kernel: int = 3,
        conv_stride: int = 1,
        use_gate: bool = False,
        conv_dropout: float or List[float] = 0.5,
        use_conv_emb: bool = True,
        conv_emb_kernel: int = 1,
        conv_emb_dropout: float = 0.0,

            feat_dim: int
                The dimension of input acoustic feature tensors.
                Used for calculating the in_features of the first Linear layer.
            conv_dims: List[int] or int
                The values of out_channels of each Conv1d layer.
                If a list of integers is given, multiple Conv1d layers will be initialized.
                If an integer is given, there will be only one Conv1d layer
            conv_kernel: int
                The value of kernel_size of all Conv1d layers.
            conv_stride: int
                The value of stride of all Conv1d layers.
            conv_dropout: float or List[float]
                The values of p rate of the Dropout layer after each Linear layer.
            use_conv_emb: bool
                Whether to embed the predicted scalar back to an embedding vector.
                This argument needs to be False for duration predictor.
            conv_emb_kernel: int
                The value of kernel_size for the conv1d embedding layer.
                Only effective when use_conv_emb is True.
            conv_emb_dropout: float
                The value of p reate of the Dropout layer after the conv1d embedding layer.
                Only effective when use_conv_emb is True.
        # --- 0. Argument Checking --- #
        # Convolution arguments checking
        assert isinstance(
            conv_dims, (List, int)
        ), "The dimensions of convolutional layers must be given as a list of integers or an integer!"
        assert isinstance(
            conv_kernel, int
        ), "The sizes of convolutional kernels must be given as an integer!"
        assert isinstance(
            conv_stride, int
        ), "The lengths of convolutional strides must be given as an integer!"
        if conv_dropout is not None:
            assert isinstance(
                conv_dropout, (List, float)
            ), "The dropout rates of convolutional layers must be given as a list of integers or an integer!"

        # input_size initialization
        if self.input_size is not None:
            feat_dim = self.input_size
            assert feat_dim is not None
            self.input_size = feat_dim

        # --- 1. Convolutional Part Initialization --- #
        # register convolution arguments
        self.conv_dims = conv_dims if isinstance(conv_dims, List) else [conv_dims]
        self.conv_kernel = conv_kernel
        self.conv_stride = conv_stride
        self.conv_dropout = conv_dropout

        # Conv1d blocks construction
        _prev_dim = feat_dim
        _tmp_conv = []
        for i in range(len(self.conv_dims)):
            # 0 means go back to the input feat_dim
            if self.conv_dims[i] == 0:
                self.conv_dims[i] = feat_dim
            # -1 means equal to the previous layer
            elif self.conv_dims[i] == -1:
                self.conv_dims[i] = self.conv_dims[i - 1]
            # Conv1d layer
            # ReLU function
            # LayerNorm layer
            _tmp_conv.append(LayerNorm(self.conv_dims[i], dim=1))
            # Dropout layer
            if conv_dropout is not None:
                            if not isinstance(self.conv_dropout, List)
                            else self.conv_dropout[i]
            _prev_dim = conv_dims[i]
        self.conv = torch.nn.Sequential(*_tmp_conv)

        # --- 2. Linear Part Initialization --- #
        self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(_prev_dim, 1)
        if use_gate:
            self.gate_linear = torch.nn.Linear(_prev_dim, 1)

        # --- 3. Scalar Embedding Part Initialization --- #
        if use_conv_emb:
            _tmp_conv_emb = [
            if conv_emb_dropout > 0:
            self.conv_emb = torch.nn.Sequential(*_tmp_conv_emb)
        self.output_size = self.input_size

    def forward(self, feat: torch.Tensor, feat_len: torch.Tensor):

            feat: (batch, feat_maxlen, feat_dim)
                The input feature tensors.
            feat_len: (batch,)
                The length of each feature tensor.

        Returns: feat, feat_len
            The embedded feature vectors with their lengths.

        # forward the convolutional layers
        # (batch, feat_maxlen, feat_dim) -> (batch, feat_dim, feat_maxlen)
        feat = feat.transpose(1, 2)
        # (batch, feat_dim, feat_maxlen) -> (batch, conv_dim, feat_maxlen)
        feat = self.conv(feat)
        # (batch, conv_dim, feat_maxlen) -> (batch, feat_maxlen, conv_dim)
        feat = feat.transpose(1, 2)

        # forward the linear layer
        # (batch, feat_maxlen, conv_dim) -> (batch, feat_maxlen, 1) -> (batch, feat_maxlen)
        feat_pred = self.linear(feat).squeeze(-1)

        # return feat_len for the compatibility with other prenets
        if not hasattr(self, "gate_linear"):
            return feat_pred, feat_len
            feat_gate = self.gate_linear(feat).squeeze(-1)
            return feat_pred, feat_len, feat_gate

    def emb_pred_scalar(self, pred_scalar: torch.Tensor):

            pred_scalar: (batch, feat_maxlen, 1) or (batch, feat_maxlen)
                The predicted scalar vectors calculated in the forward().

        assert hasattr(
            self, "conv_emb"
        ), "Please set the argument 'use_conv_emb' to True if you want to embed the predicted scalar!"
        if len(pred_scalar.shape) == 2:
            pred_scalar = pred_scalar.unsqueeze(-1)
            assert len(pred_scalar.shape) == 3 and pred_scalar.size(-1) == 1

        return self.conv_emb(pred_scalar.transpose(1, 2)).transpose(1, 2)



Name Type Description Default
pred_scalar Tensor

(batch, feat_maxlen, 1) or (batch, feat_maxlen) The predicted scalar vectors calculated in the forward().

Source code in speechain/module/prenet/
def emb_pred_scalar(self, pred_scalar: torch.Tensor):

        pred_scalar: (batch, feat_maxlen, 1) or (batch, feat_maxlen)
            The predicted scalar vectors calculated in the forward().

    assert hasattr(
        self, "conv_emb"
    ), "Please set the argument 'use_conv_emb' to True if you want to embed the predicted scalar!"
    if len(pred_scalar.shape) == 2:
        pred_scalar = pred_scalar.unsqueeze(-1)
        assert len(pred_scalar.shape) == 3 and pred_scalar.size(-1) == 1

    return self.conv_emb(pred_scalar.transpose(1, 2)).transpose(1, 2)

forward(feat, feat_len)


Name Type Description Default
feat Tensor

(batch, feat_maxlen, feat_dim) The input feature tensors.

feat_len Tensor

(batch,) The length of each feature tensor.


feat, feat_len

Type Description

The embedded feature vectors with their lengths.

Source code in speechain/module/prenet/
def forward(self, feat: torch.Tensor, feat_len: torch.Tensor):

        feat: (batch, feat_maxlen, feat_dim)
            The input feature tensors.
        feat_len: (batch,)
            The length of each feature tensor.

    Returns: feat, feat_len
        The embedded feature vectors with their lengths.

    # forward the convolutional layers
    # (batch, feat_maxlen, feat_dim) -> (batch, feat_dim, feat_maxlen)
    feat = feat.transpose(1, 2)
    # (batch, feat_dim, feat_maxlen) -> (batch, conv_dim, feat_maxlen)
    feat = self.conv(feat)
    # (batch, conv_dim, feat_maxlen) -> (batch, feat_maxlen, conv_dim)
    feat = feat.transpose(1, 2)

    # forward the linear layer
    # (batch, feat_maxlen, conv_dim) -> (batch, feat_maxlen, 1) -> (batch, feat_maxlen)
    feat_pred = self.linear(feat).squeeze(-1)

    # return feat_len for the compatibility with other prenets
    if not hasattr(self, "gate_linear"):
        return feat_pred, feat_len
        feat_gate = self.gate_linear(feat).squeeze(-1)
        return feat_pred, feat_len, feat_gate

module_init(feat_dim=None, conv_dims=[256, 256], conv_kernel=3, conv_stride=1, use_gate=False, conv_dropout=0.5, use_conv_emb=True, conv_emb_kernel=1, conv_emb_dropout=0.0)


Name Type Description Default
feat_dim int

int The dimension of input acoustic feature tensors. Used for calculating the in_features of the first Linear layer.

conv_dims int or List[int]

List[int] or int The values of out_channels of each Conv1d layer. If a list of integers is given, multiple Conv1d layers will be initialized. If an integer is given, there will be only one Conv1d layer

[256, 256]
conv_kernel int

int The value of kernel_size of all Conv1d layers.

conv_stride int

int The value of stride of all Conv1d layers.

conv_dropout float or List[float]

float or List[float] The values of p rate of the Dropout layer after each Linear layer.

use_conv_emb bool

bool Whether to embed the predicted scalar back to an embedding vector. This argument needs to be False for duration predictor.

conv_emb_kernel int

int The value of kernel_size for the conv1d embedding layer. Only effective when use_conv_emb is True.

conv_emb_dropout float

float The value of p reate of the Dropout layer after the conv1d embedding layer. Only effective when use_conv_emb is True.

Source code in speechain/module/prenet/
def module_init(
    feat_dim: int = None,
    conv_dims: int or List[int] = [256, 256],
    conv_kernel: int = 3,
    conv_stride: int = 1,
    use_gate: bool = False,
    conv_dropout: float or List[float] = 0.5,
    use_conv_emb: bool = True,
    conv_emb_kernel: int = 1,
    conv_emb_dropout: float = 0.0,

        feat_dim: int
            The dimension of input acoustic feature tensors.
            Used for calculating the in_features of the first Linear layer.
        conv_dims: List[int] or int
            The values of out_channels of each Conv1d layer.
            If a list of integers is given, multiple Conv1d layers will be initialized.
            If an integer is given, there will be only one Conv1d layer
        conv_kernel: int
            The value of kernel_size of all Conv1d layers.
        conv_stride: int
            The value of stride of all Conv1d layers.
        conv_dropout: float or List[float]
            The values of p rate of the Dropout layer after each Linear layer.
        use_conv_emb: bool
            Whether to embed the predicted scalar back to an embedding vector.
            This argument needs to be False for duration predictor.
        conv_emb_kernel: int
            The value of kernel_size for the conv1d embedding layer.
            Only effective when use_conv_emb is True.
        conv_emb_dropout: float
            The value of p reate of the Dropout layer after the conv1d embedding layer.
            Only effective when use_conv_emb is True.
    # --- 0. Argument Checking --- #
    # Convolution arguments checking
    assert isinstance(
        conv_dims, (List, int)
    ), "The dimensions of convolutional layers must be given as a list of integers or an integer!"
    assert isinstance(
        conv_kernel, int
    ), "The sizes of convolutional kernels must be given as an integer!"
    assert isinstance(
        conv_stride, int
    ), "The lengths of convolutional strides must be given as an integer!"
    if conv_dropout is not None:
        assert isinstance(
            conv_dropout, (List, float)
        ), "The dropout rates of convolutional layers must be given as a list of integers or an integer!"

    # input_size initialization
    if self.input_size is not None:
        feat_dim = self.input_size
        assert feat_dim is not None
        self.input_size = feat_dim

    # --- 1. Convolutional Part Initialization --- #
    # register convolution arguments
    self.conv_dims = conv_dims if isinstance(conv_dims, List) else [conv_dims]
    self.conv_kernel = conv_kernel
    self.conv_stride = conv_stride
    self.conv_dropout = conv_dropout

    # Conv1d blocks construction
    _prev_dim = feat_dim
    _tmp_conv = []
    for i in range(len(self.conv_dims)):
        # 0 means go back to the input feat_dim
        if self.conv_dims[i] == 0:
            self.conv_dims[i] = feat_dim
        # -1 means equal to the previous layer
        elif self.conv_dims[i] == -1:
            self.conv_dims[i] = self.conv_dims[i - 1]
        # Conv1d layer
        # ReLU function
        # LayerNorm layer
        _tmp_conv.append(LayerNorm(self.conv_dims[i], dim=1))
        # Dropout layer
        if conv_dropout is not None:
                        if not isinstance(self.conv_dropout, List)
                        else self.conv_dropout[i]
        _prev_dim = conv_dims[i]
    self.conv = torch.nn.Sequential(*_tmp_conv)

    # --- 2. Linear Part Initialization --- #
    self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(_prev_dim, 1)
    if use_gate:
        self.gate_linear = torch.nn.Linear(_prev_dim, 1)

    # --- 3. Scalar Embedding Part Initialization --- #
    if use_conv_emb:
        _tmp_conv_emb = [
        if conv_emb_dropout > 0:
        self.conv_emb = torch.nn.Sequential(*_tmp_conv_emb)
    self.output_size = self.input_size


Bases: LayerNorm

Layer normalization module. Borrowed from


Name Type Description Default
nout int

Output dim size.

dim int

Dimension to be normalized.

Source code in speechain/module/prenet/
class LayerNorm(torch.nn.LayerNorm):
    Layer normalization module.
    Borrowed from

        nout (int): Output dim size.
        dim (int): Dimension to be normalized.

    def __init__(self, nout, dim=-1):
        """Construct an LayerNorm object."""
        super(LayerNorm, self).__init__(nout, eps=1e-12)
        self.dim = dim

    def forward(self, x):
        """Apply layer normalization.

            x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor.
            torch.Tensor: Normalized tensor.
        if self.dim == -1:
            return super(LayerNorm, self).forward(x)
        return (
            super(LayerNorm, self)
            .forward(x.transpose(self.dim, -1))
            .transpose(self.dim, -1)

__init__(nout, dim=-1)

Construct an LayerNorm object.

Source code in speechain/module/prenet/
def __init__(self, nout, dim=-1):
    """Construct an LayerNorm object."""
    super(LayerNorm, self).__init__(nout, eps=1e-12)
    self.dim = dim


Apply layer normalization.


Name Type Description Default
x Tensor

Input tensor.


Returns: torch.Tensor: Normalized tensor.

Source code in speechain/module/prenet/
def forward(self, x):
    """Apply layer normalization.

        x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor.
        torch.Tensor: Normalized tensor.
    if self.dim == -1:
        return super(LayerNorm, self).forward(x)
    return (
        super(LayerNorm, self)
        .forward(x.transpose(self.dim, -1))
        .transpose(self.dim, -1)