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Author: Heli Qi Affiliation: NAIST Date: 2022.07


Bases: Module

The input is linear spectrogram extracted by STFT and the output is (log-)mel spectrogram The mel-fbank is implemented by a linear layer without the bias vector.

Source code in speechain/module/frontend/
class LinearSpec2MelSpec(Module):
    """The input is linear spectrogram extracted by STFT and the output is (log-)mel
    spectrogram The mel-fbank is implemented by a linear layer without the bias

    def module_init(
        n_fft: int,
        n_mels: int,
        sr: int = 16000,
        fmin: float = 0.0,
        fmax: float = None,
        clamp: float = 1e-10,
        logging: bool = True,
        log_base: float = 10.0,
        mel_scale: str = "slaney",
        mel_norm: bool = True,
        mag_spec: bool = False,
        """The difference between two different options of mel_scale, i.e., 'htk' and
        'slaney', is the relationship between the linear frequency (Hz) and mel

            1. For 'htk', the mel frequency is always logarithmic to the linear frequency by the following formula:
                mel = 2595.0 * np.log10(1.0 + hz / 700.0)
            2. For 'slaney', the mel frequency is linear to the linear frequency below 1K Hz and logarithmic above 1K Hz
        In the initalization function, the default configuration is mel_scale = 'slaney' and mel_norm=True (the filters
        will be normalized by the filter width).

        A simple calculation procedure of 'htk'-scaled mel-fbank is shown below. For details about mel-scales, please
        refer to
            >>> def hz2mel(hz: float or torch.Tensor):
            ...     return 2595 * math.log10(1 + hz / 700)
            >>> def mel2hz(mel: float or torch.Tensor):
            ...     return 700 * (10 ** (mel / 2595) - 1) \

            >>> # --- Initialization for Mel-Fbank Matrix Production --- #
            ... # frequency axis of the linear spectrogram
            ... src_hz_points = torch.linspace(0, // 2, self.stft_dim).repeat(self.n_mels, 1)
            ... # mel-frequency axis of the mel spectrogram, [mel(0), ..., mel(stft_dim + 1)]
            ... # Note: there are two auxiliary points mel(0) and mel(stft_dim + 1)
            ... mel_ranges = torch.linspace(hz2mel(self.fmin), hz2mel(self.fmax), n_mels + 2)
            ... # frequency axis of the mel spectrogram
            ... hz_ranges = mel2hz(mel_ranges)

            >>> # --- Left Slope Calculation --- #
            ... # left mel-band width, [mel(1) - mel(0), ..., mel(stft_dim) - mel(stft_dim - 1)]
            ... mel_left_hz_bands = (hz_ranges[1:] - hz_ranges[:-1])[:-1].repeat(self.stft_dim, 1).transpose(0, 1)
            ... # left-shifted mel-frequency, [mel(0), ..., mel(stft_dim - 1)]
            ... mel_left_hz_points = hz_ranges[: -2].repeat(self.stft_dim, 1).transpose(0, 1)
            ... # slope values of the left mel-band
            ... # i.e. (hz - mel(m - 1)) / (mel(m) - mel(m - 1)) where m in [1, ..., stft_dim]
            ... left_slopes = (src_hz_points - mel_left_hz_points) / mel_left_hz_bands
            ... # slope masks of the left mel-band
            ... # True for the frequency in [mel(m - 1), mel(m)] where m in [1, ..., stft_dim]
            ... left_masks = torch.logical_and(left_slopes >= 0, left_slopes <= 1)

            >>> # --- Right Slope Calculation --- #
            ... # right mel-band width, [mel(2) - mel(1), ..., mel(stft_dim + 1) - mel(stft_dim)]
            ... mel_right_hz_bands = (hz_ranges[1:] - hz_ranges[:-1])[1:].repeat(self.stft_dim, 1).transpose(0, 1)
            ... # right-shifted mel-frequency, [mel(2), ..., mel(stft_dim + 1)]
            ... mel_right_hz_points = hz_ranges[2:].repeat(self.stft_dim, 1).transpose(0, 1)
            ... # slope values of the right mel-band
            ... # i.e. (mel(m + 1) - hz) / (mel(m + 1) - mel(m)) where m in [1, ..., stft_dim]
            ... right_slopes = (mel_right_hz_points - src_hz_points) / mel_right_hz_bands
            ... # slope masks of the right mel-band
            ... # True for the frequency in [mel(m), mel(m + 1)] where m in [1, ..., stft_dim]
            ... right_masks = torch.logical_and(right_slopes >= 0, right_slopes < 1)

            >>> # --- Mel-Fbank Matrix Generation --- #
            ... mel_matrix = torch.zeros(self.n_mels, self.stft_dim)
            ... mel_matrix[left_masks] = left_slopes[left_masks]
            ... mel_matrix[right_masks] = right_slopes[right_masks]

            sr: int
                The sampling rate of the input speech waveforms.
            n_fft: int
                The number of Fourier point used for STFT
            n_mels: int
                The number of filters in the mel-fbank
            fmin: float
                The minimal frequency for the mel-fbank
            fmax: float
                The maximal frequency for the mel-fbank
            clamp: float
                The minimal number for the log-mel spectrogram. Used for numerical stability.
            logging: bool
                Controls whether to take log for the mel spectrogram.
            log_base: float
                The log base for the log-mel spectrogram. None means the natural log base e.
                This argument is effective when mel_norm=True (ESPNET style)
            mel_scale: str
                The tyle of mel-scale of the mel-fbank. 'htk' for SpeechBrain style and 'slaney' for ESPNET style.
            mel_norm: bool
                Whether perform the area normalization to the mel-fbank filters.
                True for ESPNET style and False for SpeechBrain style.
            mag_spec: bool
                Whether the input linear spectrogram is the magnitude. Used for decibel calculation.
                This argument is effective when mel_norm=False (SpeechBrain style)
        # fundamental arguments = sr
        self.stft_dim = n_fft // 2 + 1
        self.n_mels = n_mels
        self.fmin = fmin
        self.fmax = fmax if fmax is not None else sr // 2
        assert (
            self.fmax > self.fmin
        ), f"fmax must be larger than fmin, but got fmax={self.fmax} and fmin={self.fmin}!"

        # mel-scale-related arguments
        assert mel_scale in [
        ], f"mel_scale must be either 'htk' or 'slaney', but got mel_scale={mel_scale}"
        self.mel_scale = mel_scale
        self.mel_norm = mel_norm

        # mel-fbank generation
        mel_matrix = torchaudio.functional.melscale_fbanks(
            norm="slaney" if self.mel_norm else None,

        # implement mel-fbank extraction by a linear layer
        mel_fbanks = torch.nn.Linear(
            in_features=self.stft_dim, out_features=self.n_mels, bias=False
        mel_fbanks.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(mel_matrix, requires_grad=False)

        # move the weight from _parameters to _buffers so that these parameters won't influence the training
        _para_keys = list(mel_fbanks._parameters.keys())
        for name in _para_keys:
            mel_fbanks._buffers[name] = mel_fbanks._parameters.pop(name)
        self.mel_fbanks = mel_fbanks

        # logging-related arguments
        self.clamp = clamp
        self.logging = logging
        self.log_base = log_base
        self.mag_spec = mag_spec

    def forward(self, feat: torch.Tensor, feat_len: torch.Tensor):

            feat: (batch, speech_maxlen, stft_dim)
                The input linear spectrograms
            feat_len: (batch,)
                The lengths of the input linear spectrograms

            The log-mel spectrograms with their lengths.

        # extract mel-scale spectrogram
        feat = self.mel_fbanks(feat)

        # take the logarithm operation
        if self.logging:
            # pre-log clamping for numerical stability
            feat = torch.clamp(input=feat, min=self.clamp)

            # go through the logarithm operation for the mel-fbanks
            feat = feat.log()
            if self.log_base is not None:
                feat /= math.log(self.log_base)

        return feat, feat_len

    def recover(self, feat: torch.Tensor, feat_len: torch.Tensor):

            feat: (batch_size, feat_maxlen, mel_dim)
            feat_len: (batch_size,)


        # recover the logarithm operation
        if self.logging:
            feat = torch.pow(
                    feat, fill_value=torch.e if self.log_base is None else self.log_base

        # recover the mel spectrograms back to linear spectrograms
        feat = torch.linalg.lstsq(
            feat.transpose(-2, -1),
            # the default driver for CPU data is 'gelsy' which doesn't work and the result is zero
        ).solution.transpose(-2, -1)

        # turn the silence part of the shorter utterances to zeros
        for i in range(len(feat_len)):
            if feat_len[i] != feat_len.max():
                feat[i][feat_len[i] :] = 0

        # clamp the spectrogram for numerical stability
        return torch.clamp(feat, min=1e-10)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f"stft_dim={self.stft_dim}, "
            f"n_mels={self.n_mels}, "
            f"fmin={self.fmin}, "
            f"fmax={self.fmax}, "
            f"mel_scale={self.mel_scale}, "

forward(feat, feat_len)


Name Type Description Default
feat Tensor

(batch, speech_maxlen, stft_dim) The input linear spectrograms

feat_len Tensor

(batch,) The lengths of the input linear spectrograms



Type Description

The log-mel spectrograms with their lengths.

Source code in speechain/module/frontend/
def forward(self, feat: torch.Tensor, feat_len: torch.Tensor):

        feat: (batch, speech_maxlen, stft_dim)
            The input linear spectrograms
        feat_len: (batch,)
            The lengths of the input linear spectrograms

        The log-mel spectrograms with their lengths.

    # extract mel-scale spectrogram
    feat = self.mel_fbanks(feat)

    # take the logarithm operation
    if self.logging:
        # pre-log clamping for numerical stability
        feat = torch.clamp(input=feat, min=self.clamp)

        # go through the logarithm operation for the mel-fbanks
        feat = feat.log()
        if self.log_base is not None:
            feat /= math.log(self.log_base)

    return feat, feat_len

module_init(n_fft, n_mels, sr=16000, fmin=0.0, fmax=None, clamp=1e-10, logging=True, log_base=10.0, mel_scale='slaney', mel_norm=True, mag_spec=False)

The difference between two different options of mel_scale, i.e., 'htk' and 'slaney', is the relationship between the linear frequency (Hz) and mel frequency.

1. For 'htk', the mel frequency is always logarithmic to the linear frequency by the following formula:
    mel = 2595.0 * np.log10(1.0 + hz / 700.0)
2. For 'slaney', the mel frequency is linear to the linear frequency below 1K Hz and logarithmic above 1K Hz

In the initalization function, the default configuration is mel_scale = 'slaney' and mel_norm=True (the filters will be normalized by the filter width).

A simple calculation procedure of 'htk'-scaled mel-fbank is shown below. For details about mel-scales, please refer to >>> def hz2mel(hz: float or torch.Tensor): ... return 2595 * math.log10(1 + hz / 700) >>> def mel2hz(mel: float or torch.Tensor): ... return 700 * (10 ** (mel / 2595) - 1) >>> # --- Initialization for Mel-Fbank Matrix Production --- # ... # frequency axis of the linear spectrogram ... src_hz_points = torch.linspace(0, // 2, self.stft_dim).repeat(self.n_mels, 1) ... # mel-frequency axis of the mel spectrogram, [mel(0), ..., mel(stft_dim + 1)] ... # Note: there are two auxiliary points mel(0) and mel(stft_dim + 1) ... mel_ranges = torch.linspace(hz2mel(self.fmin), hz2mel(self.fmax), n_mels + 2) ... # frequency axis of the mel spectrogram ... hz_ranges = mel2hz(mel_ranges)

>>> # --- Left Slope Calculation --- #
... # left mel-band width, [mel(1) - mel(0), ..., mel(stft_dim) - mel(stft_dim - 1)]
... mel_left_hz_bands = (hz_ranges[1:] - hz_ranges[:-1])[:-1].repeat(self.stft_dim, 1).transpose(0, 1)
... # left-shifted mel-frequency, [mel(0), ..., mel(stft_dim - 1)]
... mel_left_hz_points = hz_ranges[: -2].repeat(self.stft_dim, 1).transpose(0, 1)
... # slope values of the left mel-band
... # i.e. (hz - mel(m - 1)) / (mel(m) - mel(m - 1)) where m in [1, ..., stft_dim]
... left_slopes = (src_hz_points - mel_left_hz_points) / mel_left_hz_bands
... # slope masks of the left mel-band
... # True for the frequency in [mel(m - 1), mel(m)] where m in [1, ..., stft_dim]
... left_masks = torch.logical_and(left_slopes >= 0, left_slopes <= 1)

>>> # --- Right Slope Calculation --- #
... # right mel-band width, [mel(2) - mel(1), ..., mel(stft_dim + 1) - mel(stft_dim)]
... mel_right_hz_bands = (hz_ranges[1:] - hz_ranges[:-1])[1:].repeat(self.stft_dim, 1).transpose(0, 1)
... # right-shifted mel-frequency, [mel(2), ..., mel(stft_dim + 1)]
... mel_right_hz_points = hz_ranges[2:].repeat(self.stft_dim, 1).transpose(0, 1)
... # slope values of the right mel-band
... # i.e. (mel(m + 1) - hz) / (mel(m + 1) - mel(m)) where m in [1, ..., stft_dim]
... right_slopes = (mel_right_hz_points - src_hz_points) / mel_right_hz_bands
... # slope masks of the right mel-band
... # True for the frequency in [mel(m), mel(m + 1)] where m in [1, ..., stft_dim]
... right_masks = torch.logical_and(right_slopes >= 0, right_slopes < 1)

>>> # --- Mel-Fbank Matrix Generation --- #
... mel_matrix = torch.zeros(self.n_mels, self.stft_dim)
... mel_matrix[left_masks] = left_slopes[left_masks]
... mel_matrix[right_masks] = right_slopes[right_masks]


Name Type Description Default
sr int

int The sampling rate of the input speech waveforms.

n_fft int

int The number of Fourier point used for STFT

n_mels int

int The number of filters in the mel-fbank

fmin float

float The minimal frequency for the mel-fbank

fmax float

float The maximal frequency for the mel-fbank

clamp float

float The minimal number for the log-mel spectrogram. Used for numerical stability.

logging bool

bool Controls whether to take log for the mel spectrogram.

log_base float

float The log base for the log-mel spectrogram. None means the natural log base e. This argument is effective when mel_norm=True (ESPNET style)

mel_scale str

str The tyle of mel-scale of the mel-fbank. 'htk' for SpeechBrain style and 'slaney' for ESPNET style.

mel_norm bool

bool Whether perform the area normalization to the mel-fbank filters. True for ESPNET style and False for SpeechBrain style.

mag_spec bool

bool Whether the input linear spectrogram is the magnitude. Used for decibel calculation. This argument is effective when mel_norm=False (SpeechBrain style)

Source code in speechain/module/frontend/
def module_init(
    n_fft: int,
    n_mels: int,
    sr: int = 16000,
    fmin: float = 0.0,
    fmax: float = None,
    clamp: float = 1e-10,
    logging: bool = True,
    log_base: float = 10.0,
    mel_scale: str = "slaney",
    mel_norm: bool = True,
    mag_spec: bool = False,
    """The difference between two different options of mel_scale, i.e., 'htk' and
    'slaney', is the relationship between the linear frequency (Hz) and mel

        1. For 'htk', the mel frequency is always logarithmic to the linear frequency by the following formula:
            mel = 2595.0 * np.log10(1.0 + hz / 700.0)
        2. For 'slaney', the mel frequency is linear to the linear frequency below 1K Hz and logarithmic above 1K Hz
    In the initalization function, the default configuration is mel_scale = 'slaney' and mel_norm=True (the filters
    will be normalized by the filter width).

    A simple calculation procedure of 'htk'-scaled mel-fbank is shown below. For details about mel-scales, please
    refer to
        >>> def hz2mel(hz: float or torch.Tensor):
        ...     return 2595 * math.log10(1 + hz / 700)
        >>> def mel2hz(mel: float or torch.Tensor):
        ...     return 700 * (10 ** (mel / 2595) - 1) \

        >>> # --- Initialization for Mel-Fbank Matrix Production --- #
        ... # frequency axis of the linear spectrogram
        ... src_hz_points = torch.linspace(0, // 2, self.stft_dim).repeat(self.n_mels, 1)
        ... # mel-frequency axis of the mel spectrogram, [mel(0), ..., mel(stft_dim + 1)]
        ... # Note: there are two auxiliary points mel(0) and mel(stft_dim + 1)
        ... mel_ranges = torch.linspace(hz2mel(self.fmin), hz2mel(self.fmax), n_mels + 2)
        ... # frequency axis of the mel spectrogram
        ... hz_ranges = mel2hz(mel_ranges)

        >>> # --- Left Slope Calculation --- #
        ... # left mel-band width, [mel(1) - mel(0), ..., mel(stft_dim) - mel(stft_dim - 1)]
        ... mel_left_hz_bands = (hz_ranges[1:] - hz_ranges[:-1])[:-1].repeat(self.stft_dim, 1).transpose(0, 1)
        ... # left-shifted mel-frequency, [mel(0), ..., mel(stft_dim - 1)]
        ... mel_left_hz_points = hz_ranges[: -2].repeat(self.stft_dim, 1).transpose(0, 1)
        ... # slope values of the left mel-band
        ... # i.e. (hz - mel(m - 1)) / (mel(m) - mel(m - 1)) where m in [1, ..., stft_dim]
        ... left_slopes = (src_hz_points - mel_left_hz_points) / mel_left_hz_bands
        ... # slope masks of the left mel-band
        ... # True for the frequency in [mel(m - 1), mel(m)] where m in [1, ..., stft_dim]
        ... left_masks = torch.logical_and(left_slopes >= 0, left_slopes <= 1)

        >>> # --- Right Slope Calculation --- #
        ... # right mel-band width, [mel(2) - mel(1), ..., mel(stft_dim + 1) - mel(stft_dim)]
        ... mel_right_hz_bands = (hz_ranges[1:] - hz_ranges[:-1])[1:].repeat(self.stft_dim, 1).transpose(0, 1)
        ... # right-shifted mel-frequency, [mel(2), ..., mel(stft_dim + 1)]
        ... mel_right_hz_points = hz_ranges[2:].repeat(self.stft_dim, 1).transpose(0, 1)
        ... # slope values of the right mel-band
        ... # i.e. (mel(m + 1) - hz) / (mel(m + 1) - mel(m)) where m in [1, ..., stft_dim]
        ... right_slopes = (mel_right_hz_points - src_hz_points) / mel_right_hz_bands
        ... # slope masks of the right mel-band
        ... # True for the frequency in [mel(m), mel(m + 1)] where m in [1, ..., stft_dim]
        ... right_masks = torch.logical_and(right_slopes >= 0, right_slopes < 1)

        >>> # --- Mel-Fbank Matrix Generation --- #
        ... mel_matrix = torch.zeros(self.n_mels, self.stft_dim)
        ... mel_matrix[left_masks] = left_slopes[left_masks]
        ... mel_matrix[right_masks] = right_slopes[right_masks]

        sr: int
            The sampling rate of the input speech waveforms.
        n_fft: int
            The number of Fourier point used for STFT
        n_mels: int
            The number of filters in the mel-fbank
        fmin: float
            The minimal frequency for the mel-fbank
        fmax: float
            The maximal frequency for the mel-fbank
        clamp: float
            The minimal number for the log-mel spectrogram. Used for numerical stability.
        logging: bool
            Controls whether to take log for the mel spectrogram.
        log_base: float
            The log base for the log-mel spectrogram. None means the natural log base e.
            This argument is effective when mel_norm=True (ESPNET style)
        mel_scale: str
            The tyle of mel-scale of the mel-fbank. 'htk' for SpeechBrain style and 'slaney' for ESPNET style.
        mel_norm: bool
            Whether perform the area normalization to the mel-fbank filters.
            True for ESPNET style and False for SpeechBrain style.
        mag_spec: bool
            Whether the input linear spectrogram is the magnitude. Used for decibel calculation.
            This argument is effective when mel_norm=False (SpeechBrain style)
    # fundamental arguments = sr
    self.stft_dim = n_fft // 2 + 1
    self.n_mels = n_mels
    self.fmin = fmin
    self.fmax = fmax if fmax is not None else sr // 2
    assert (
        self.fmax > self.fmin
    ), f"fmax must be larger than fmin, but got fmax={self.fmax} and fmin={self.fmin}!"

    # mel-scale-related arguments
    assert mel_scale in [
    ], f"mel_scale must be either 'htk' or 'slaney', but got mel_scale={mel_scale}"
    self.mel_scale = mel_scale
    self.mel_norm = mel_norm

    # mel-fbank generation
    mel_matrix = torchaudio.functional.melscale_fbanks(,
        norm="slaney" if self.mel_norm else None,

    # implement mel-fbank extraction by a linear layer
    mel_fbanks = torch.nn.Linear(
        in_features=self.stft_dim, out_features=self.n_mels, bias=False
    mel_fbanks.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(mel_matrix, requires_grad=False)

    # move the weight from _parameters to _buffers so that these parameters won't influence the training
    _para_keys = list(mel_fbanks._parameters.keys())
    for name in _para_keys:
        mel_fbanks._buffers[name] = mel_fbanks._parameters.pop(name)
    self.mel_fbanks = mel_fbanks

    # logging-related arguments
    self.clamp = clamp
    self.logging = logging
    self.log_base = log_base
    self.mag_spec = mag_spec

recover(feat, feat_len)


Name Type Description Default
feat Tensor

(batch_size, feat_maxlen, mel_dim)

feat_len Tensor




Source code in speechain/module/frontend/
def recover(self, feat: torch.Tensor, feat_len: torch.Tensor):

        feat: (batch_size, feat_maxlen, mel_dim)
        feat_len: (batch_size,)


    # recover the logarithm operation
    if self.logging:
        feat = torch.pow(
                feat, fill_value=torch.e if self.log_base is None else self.log_base

    # recover the mel spectrograms back to linear spectrograms
    feat = torch.linalg.lstsq(,
        feat.transpose(-2, -1),
        # the default driver for CPU data is 'gelsy' which doesn't work and the result is zero
    ).solution.transpose(-2, -1)

    # turn the silence part of the shorter utterances to zeros
    for i in range(len(feat_len)):
        if feat_len[i] != feat_len.max():
            feat[i][feat_len[i] :] = 0

    # clamp the spectrogram for numerical stability
    return torch.clamp(feat, min=1e-10)