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Author: Sashi Novitasari Affiliation: NAIST (-2022) Date: 2022.08

Author: Heli Qi Affiliation: NAIST Date: 2022.09


Bases: Module

Decoder Module for Autoregressive TTS model.

Source code in speechain/module/decoder/
class ARTTSDecoder(Module):
    """Decoder Module for Autoregressive TTS model."""

    def module_init(
        decoder: Dict,
        postnet: Dict,
        frontend: Dict = None,
        normalize: Dict or bool = True,
        prenet: Dict = None,
        spk_emb: Dict = None,
        reduction_factor: int = 1,

        # temporary register for connecting two sequential modules
        _prev_output_size = None

        # --- Acoustic Feature Extraction Part --- #
        # acoustic feature extraction frontend of the E2E TTS decoder
        if frontend is not None:
            frontend_class = import_class("speechain.module." + frontend["type"])
            frontend["conf"] = (
                dict() if "conf" not in frontend.keys() else frontend["conf"]
            self.frontend = frontend_class(**frontend["conf"])
            _prev_output_size = self.frontend.output_size

        # feature normalization layer
        if normalize is not None and normalize is not False:
            normalize = dict() if normalize is True else normalize
            self.normalize = FeatureNormalization(
                input_size=_prev_output_size, distributed=self.distributed, **normalize

        # reduction factor for acoustic feature sequence
        self.reduction_factor = reduction_factor
        _prev_output_size *= self.reduction_factor
        feat_dim = _prev_output_size

        # --- Main Body of TTS Decoder --- #
        # feature embedding layer of the E2E TTS decoder
        if prenet is not None:
            prenet_class = import_class("speechain.module." + prenet["type"])
            prenet["conf"] = dict() if "conf" not in prenet.keys() else prenet["conf"]
            self.prenet = prenet_class(input_size=_prev_output_size, **prenet["conf"])
            _prev_output_size = self.prenet.output_size

        # initialize speaker embedding layer
        if spk_emb is not None:
            # check the model dimension
            if "d_model" in spk_emb.keys() and spk_emb["d_model"] != _prev_output_size:
                    f"Your input d_model ({spk_emb['d_model']}) is different from the one automatically "
                    f"generated during model initialization ({_prev_output_size})."
                    f"Currently, the automatically generated one is used."

            spk_emb["d_model"] = _prev_output_size
            self.spk_emb = SpeakerEmbedPrenet(**spk_emb)

        # Initialize decoder
        decoder_class = import_class("speechain.module." + decoder["type"])
        decoder["conf"] = dict() if "conf" not in decoder.keys() else decoder["conf"]
        self.decoder = decoder_class(input_size=_prev_output_size, **decoder["conf"])
        _prev_output_size = self.decoder.output_size

        # initialize prediction layers (feature prediction & stop prediction)
        self.feat_pred = torch.nn.Linear(
            in_features=_prev_output_size, out_features=feat_dim
        self.stop_pred = torch.nn.Linear(in_features=_prev_output_size, out_features=1)
        self.output_size = feat_dim

        # Initialize postnet of the decoder
        postnet_class = import_class("speechain.module." + postnet["type"])
        postnet["conf"] = dict() if "conf" not in postnet.keys() else postnet["conf"]
        self.postnet = postnet_class(input_size=feat_dim, **postnet["conf"])

    def forward(
        enc_text: torch.Tensor,
        enc_text_mask: torch.Tensor,
        feat: torch.Tensor,
        feat_len: torch.Tensor,
        spk_feat: torch.Tensor = None,
        spk_ids: torch.Tensor = None,
        epoch: int = None,
        is_test: bool = False,

        # --- Acoustic Feature Extraction Part --- #
        # in the training and validation stage, input data needs to be processed by the frontend
        if not is_test:
            # acoustic feature extraction for the raw waveform input
            if feat.size(-1) == 1:
                assert hasattr(self, "frontend"), (
                    f"Currently, {self.__class__.__name__} doesn't support time-domain TTS. "
                    f"Please specify a feature extraction frontend."
                # no amp operations for the frontend calculation to make sure the feature accuracy
                with autocast(False):
                    feat, feat_len = self.frontend(feat, feat_len)

            # feature normalization
            if hasattr(self, "normalize"):
                feat, feat_len = self.normalize(
                    feat, feat_len, group_ids=spk_ids, epoch=epoch

            # acoustic feature length reduction
            if self.reduction_factor > 1:
                _residual = feat.size(1) % self.reduction_factor
                # clip the redundant part of acoustic features
                if _residual != 0:
                    feat = feat[:, :-_residual]

                # group the features by the reduction factor
                batch, feat_maxlen, feat_dim = feat.size()
                feat = feat.reshape(
                    feat_maxlen // self.reduction_factor,
                    feat_dim * self.reduction_factor,
                feat_len = torch.div(
                    feat_len, self.reduction_factor, rounding_mode="floor"

            # padding zeros at the beginning of acoustic feature sequence
            padded_feat = torch.nn.functional.pad(feat, (0, 0, 1, 0), "constant", 0)
            feat = padded_feat[:, :-1]
            # target feature & length, used for loss & metric calculation
            tgt_feat, tgt_feat_len = padded_feat[:, 1:], feat_len

        # in the testing stage, input data has already been processed and structured, so no frontend processing here
            tgt_feat, tgt_feat_len = None, None

        # --- Decoder Feature Transformation Part --- #
        # feature Embedding
        if hasattr(self, "prenet"):
            feat, feat_len = self.prenet(feat, feat_len)

        # mask generation for the input text
        feat_mask = make_mask_from_len(feat_len)
        if feat.is_cuda:
            feat_mask = feat_mask.cuda(feat.device)

        # Speaker Embedding
        if hasattr(self, "spk_emb"):
            # extract and process the speaker features (activation is not performed for random speaker feature)
            spk_feat_lookup, spk_feat = self.spk_emb(spk_ids=spk_ids, spk_feat=spk_feat)
            # combine the speaker features with the encoder outputs (and the decoder prenet outputs if specified)
            enc_text, feat = self.spk_emb.combine_spk_feat(

        # Decoding
        dec_feat, self_attmat, encdec_attmat, hidden = self.decoder(
            src=enc_text, src_mask=enc_text_mask, tgt=feat, tgt_mask=feat_mask
        pred_stop = self.stop_pred(dec_feat)
        pred_feat_before = self.feat_pred(dec_feat)
        pred_feat_after = pred_feat_before + self.postnet(pred_feat_before, feat_len)

        return (

    def turn_on_dropout(self):
        """Turn on the dropout layers of the decoder prenet during inference.

        Reference: the second paragraph from the bottom in Sec 2.2 of
            'Natural TTS Synthesis by Conditioning WaveNet on Mel Spectrogram Predictions'
        assert hasattr(
            self, "prenet"
        ), "If you want to apply dropout during TTS inference, your TTS model should have a decoder prenet."
        if not


Turn on the dropout layers of the decoder prenet during inference.

the second paragraph from the bottom in Sec 2.2 of

'Natural TTS Synthesis by Conditioning WaveNet on Mel Spectrogram Predictions'

Source code in speechain/module/decoder/
def turn_on_dropout(self):
    """Turn on the dropout layers of the decoder prenet during inference.

    Reference: the second paragraph from the bottom in Sec 2.2 of
        'Natural TTS Synthesis by Conditioning WaveNet on Mel Spectrogram Predictions'
    assert hasattr(
        self, "prenet"
    ), "If you want to apply dropout during TTS inference, your TTS model should have a decoder prenet."
    if not