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Author: Sashi Novitasari Affiliation: NAIST Date: 2022.08

Author: Heli Qi Affiliation: NAIST Date: 2022.09


Bases: Criterion

Source code in speechain/criterion/
class LeastError(Criterion):

    def criterion_init(
        loss_type: str = "L2",
        is_normalized: bool = True,
        update_range: int or float = None,

            loss_type: str = 'L2'
                The type of acoustic feature prediction loss. Should be either 'L1', 'L2', and 'L1+L2'.
            is_normalized: bool = True
                Controls whether the sentence normalization is performed for feature loss calculation.
            update_range: int or float = None
                The updating range of the dimension of acoustic features for feature loss calculation.

        assert loss_type in [
        ], f"You input loss_type must be one of 'L1', 'L2', and 'L1+L2'. But got loss_type={loss_type}."
        if isinstance(update_range, int):
            assert (
                update_range < 0
            ), f"For setting absolute updating range, you must input a negative integer, but got {update_range}."
        elif isinstance(update_range, float):
            assert 0 < update_range < 1, (
                f"For setting relative updating range, you must input a postive float number between 0 and 1, "
                f"but got {update_range}."
        elif update_range is not None:
            raise TypeError

        self.loss_type = loss_type
        self.l1_loss = torch.nn.L1Loss(reduction="none")
        self.l2_loss = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction="none")

        self.is_normalized = is_normalized
        self.update_range = update_range

    def __call__(self, pred: torch.Tensor, tgt: torch.Tensor, tgt_len: torch.Tensor):

            pred: (batch, feat_maxlen, feat_dim) or (batch, feat_maxlen)
                The model predictions for the feature
            tgt: (batch, feat_maxlen, feat_dim) or (batch, feat_maxlen)
                The target feature labels.
            tgt_len: (batch,)
                The target label lengths

        # prediction reshape, make sure it is a 3d tensor
        if len(pred.shape) == 2:
            pred = pred.unsqueeze(-1)
        elif len(pred.shape) != 3:
            raise RuntimeError

        # target reshape, make sure it is a 3d tensor
        if len(tgt.shape) == 2:
            tgt = tgt.unsqueeze(-1)
        elif len(tgt.shape) != 3:
            raise RuntimeError

        batch_size, feat_maxlen, feat_dim = pred.size(0), pred.size(1), pred.size(2)
        # updating range restriction, ndim is the dimension selected to be updated
        if self.update_range is not None:
            ndim = (
                feat_dim * self.update_range
                if self.update_range > 0
                else -self.update_range
            assert ndim < feat_dim

            pred = pred[:, :, :ndim]
            tgt = tgt[:, :, :ndim]

        # mask production for the target labels
        tgt_mask = make_mask_from_len(tgt_len, return_3d=False)

        # MSE & MAE loss calculation
        # (batch_size, feat_maxlen, ndim)
        if self.loss_type == "L1":
            loss = self.l1_loss(pred, tgt)
        elif self.loss_type == "L2":
            loss = self.l2_loss(pred, tgt)
        elif self.loss_type == "L1+L2":
            loss = self.l1_loss(pred, tgt) + self.l2_loss(pred, tgt)
            raise RuntimeError

        # loss reshaping
        # (batch_size, feat_maxlen, ndim) -> (batch_size, feat_maxlen)
        loss = loss.mean(dim=-1)
        # (batch_size, feat_maxlen) -> (batch_size * feat_maxlen)
        loss = loss.reshape(-1).masked_fill(~tgt_mask.reshape(-1), 0.0)
        if self.is_normalized:
            # (batch_size * feat_maxlen) -> (1,)
            loss = loss.sum() / tgt_mask.sum()
            # (batch_size * feat_maxlen) -> (batch_size, feat_maxlen)
            loss = loss.reshape(batch_size, feat_maxlen)
            # (batch_size, feat_maxlen) -> (batch_size,) -> (1,)
            loss = loss.sum(dim=-1).mean()

        return loss

    def extra_repr(self) -> str:
        return f"loss_type={self.loss_type}, is_normalized={self.is_normalized}"

__call__(pred, tgt, tgt_len)


Name Type Description Default
pred Tensor

(batch, feat_maxlen, feat_dim) or (batch, feat_maxlen) The model predictions for the feature

tgt Tensor

(batch, feat_maxlen, feat_dim) or (batch, feat_maxlen) The target feature labels.

tgt_len Tensor

(batch,) The target label lengths

Source code in speechain/criterion/
def __call__(self, pred: torch.Tensor, tgt: torch.Tensor, tgt_len: torch.Tensor):

        pred: (batch, feat_maxlen, feat_dim) or (batch, feat_maxlen)
            The model predictions for the feature
        tgt: (batch, feat_maxlen, feat_dim) or (batch, feat_maxlen)
            The target feature labels.
        tgt_len: (batch,)
            The target label lengths

    # prediction reshape, make sure it is a 3d tensor
    if len(pred.shape) == 2:
        pred = pred.unsqueeze(-1)
    elif len(pred.shape) != 3:
        raise RuntimeError

    # target reshape, make sure it is a 3d tensor
    if len(tgt.shape) == 2:
        tgt = tgt.unsqueeze(-1)
    elif len(tgt.shape) != 3:
        raise RuntimeError

    batch_size, feat_maxlen, feat_dim = pred.size(0), pred.size(1), pred.size(2)
    # updating range restriction, ndim is the dimension selected to be updated
    if self.update_range is not None:
        ndim = (
            feat_dim * self.update_range
            if self.update_range > 0
            else -self.update_range
        assert ndim < feat_dim

        pred = pred[:, :, :ndim]
        tgt = tgt[:, :, :ndim]

    # mask production for the target labels
    tgt_mask = make_mask_from_len(tgt_len, return_3d=False)

    # MSE & MAE loss calculation
    # (batch_size, feat_maxlen, ndim)
    if self.loss_type == "L1":
        loss = self.l1_loss(pred, tgt)
    elif self.loss_type == "L2":
        loss = self.l2_loss(pred, tgt)
    elif self.loss_type == "L1+L2":
        loss = self.l1_loss(pred, tgt) + self.l2_loss(pred, tgt)
        raise RuntimeError

    # loss reshaping
    # (batch_size, feat_maxlen, ndim) -> (batch_size, feat_maxlen)
    loss = loss.mean(dim=-1)
    # (batch_size, feat_maxlen) -> (batch_size * feat_maxlen)
    loss = loss.reshape(-1).masked_fill(~tgt_mask.reshape(-1), 0.0)
    if self.is_normalized:
        # (batch_size * feat_maxlen) -> (1,)
        loss = loss.sum() / tgt_mask.sum()
        # (batch_size * feat_maxlen) -> (batch_size, feat_maxlen)
        loss = loss.reshape(batch_size, feat_maxlen)
        # (batch_size, feat_maxlen) -> (batch_size,) -> (1,)
        loss = loss.sum(dim=-1).mean()

    return loss

criterion_init(loss_type='L2', is_normalized=True, update_range=None)


Name Type Description Default
loss_type str

str = 'L2' The type of acoustic feature prediction loss. Should be either 'L1', 'L2', and 'L1+L2'.

is_normalized bool

bool = True Controls whether the sentence normalization is performed for feature loss calculation.

update_range int or float

int or float = None The updating range of the dimension of acoustic features for feature loss calculation.

Source code in speechain/criterion/
def criterion_init(
    loss_type: str = "L2",
    is_normalized: bool = True,
    update_range: int or float = None,

        loss_type: str = 'L2'
            The type of acoustic feature prediction loss. Should be either 'L1', 'L2', and 'L1+L2'.
        is_normalized: bool = True
            Controls whether the sentence normalization is performed for feature loss calculation.
        update_range: int or float = None
            The updating range of the dimension of acoustic features for feature loss calculation.

    assert loss_type in [
    ], f"You input loss_type must be one of 'L1', 'L2', and 'L1+L2'. But got loss_type={loss_type}."
    if isinstance(update_range, int):
        assert (
            update_range < 0
        ), f"For setting absolute updating range, you must input a negative integer, but got {update_range}."
    elif isinstance(update_range, float):
        assert 0 < update_range < 1, (
            f"For setting relative updating range, you must input a postive float number between 0 and 1, "
            f"but got {update_range}."
    elif update_range is not None:
        raise TypeError

    self.loss_type = loss_type
    self.l1_loss = torch.nn.L1Loss(reduction="none")
    self.l2_loss = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction="none")

    self.is_normalized = is_normalized
    self.update_range = update_range