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Author: Heli Qi Affiliation: NAIST Date: 2022.07


Bases: Criterion

This criterion calculates the accuracy rate (0.0~1.0) between model predictions and target labels.

This criterion doesn't have initialization function.

Source code in speechain/criterion/
class Accuracy(Criterion):
    """This criterion calculates the accuracy rate (0.0~1.0) between model predictions
    and target labels.

    This criterion doesn't have initialization function.

    def __call__(
        self, logits: torch.Tensor, text: torch.Tensor, text_len: torch.Tensor

            logits: (batch, logits_maxlen, vocab_size)
                The token predictions from the model
            text: (batch, text_maxlen)
                The ground-truth token sequences
            text_len: (batch,)
                The length for the token predictions.

            The accuracy of the token predictions.

        # For the text attached by a <sos/eos> at the beginning
        if logits.size(1) == text.size(1) - 1:
            # text_len must match the sequence dimension of text
            assert text_len.max() == text.size(1), (
                f"There is a mismatch of the sentence length between text and text_len. "
                f"Expect text_len.max() is either equal to or 1 smaller than text.size(1), "
                f"but got text_len.max()={text_len.max()} and text.size(1)={text.size(1)}."
            # remove the <sos/eos> at the beginning
            text = text[:, 1:].squeeze(dim=-1)
            # don't use text_len -= 1 here because it will also change the text_len outside this function
            text_len = text_len - 1
        # Otherwise, text must not have a <sos/eos> at the beginning (equal in length with logits)
        elif logits.size(1) != text.size(1):
            raise RuntimeError

        # mask generation for the input text length
        text_mask = make_mask_from_len(text_len).squeeze(dim=1)
        if text.is_cuda:
            text_mask = text_mask.cuda(text.device)

        # calculate the accuracy by the correct prediction
        if logits.dim() == text.dim() + 1:
            logits = logits.argmax(dim=-1)
        elif logits.dim() != text.dim():
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"logits.shape={logits.shape} but text.shape={text.shape}!"
        correct_num = logits.eq(text).masked_select(text_mask).sum()
        total_num = text_len.sum()
        return correct_num / total_num

__call__(logits, text, text_len)


Name Type Description Default
logits Tensor

(batch, logits_maxlen, vocab_size) The token predictions from the model

text Tensor

(batch, text_maxlen) The ground-truth token sequences

text_len Tensor

(batch,) The length for the token predictions.



Type Description

The accuracy of the token predictions.

Source code in speechain/criterion/
def __call__(
    self, logits: torch.Tensor, text: torch.Tensor, text_len: torch.Tensor

        logits: (batch, logits_maxlen, vocab_size)
            The token predictions from the model
        text: (batch, text_maxlen)
            The ground-truth token sequences
        text_len: (batch,)
            The length for the token predictions.

        The accuracy of the token predictions.

    # For the text attached by a <sos/eos> at the beginning
    if logits.size(1) == text.size(1) - 1:
        # text_len must match the sequence dimension of text
        assert text_len.max() == text.size(1), (
            f"There is a mismatch of the sentence length between text and text_len. "
            f"Expect text_len.max() is either equal to or 1 smaller than text.size(1), "
            f"but got text_len.max()={text_len.max()} and text.size(1)={text.size(1)}."
        # remove the <sos/eos> at the beginning
        text = text[:, 1:].squeeze(dim=-1)
        # don't use text_len -= 1 here because it will also change the text_len outside this function
        text_len = text_len - 1
    # Otherwise, text must not have a <sos/eos> at the beginning (equal in length with logits)
    elif logits.size(1) != text.size(1):
        raise RuntimeError

    # mask generation for the input text length
    text_mask = make_mask_from_len(text_len).squeeze(dim=1)
    if text.is_cuda:
        text_mask = text_mask.cuda(text.device)

    # calculate the accuracy by the correct prediction
    if logits.dim() == text.dim() + 1:
        logits = logits.argmax(dim=-1)
    elif logits.dim() != text.dim():
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"logits.shape={logits.shape} but text.shape={text.shape}!"
    correct_num = logits.eq(text).masked_select(text_mask).sum()
    total_num = text_len.sum()
    return correct_num / total_num